Can you not?

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I woke up before kailee and the Magcon event didn't start for another 2 hours so I decided to go ahead and get ready.

After I got ready kailee finally woke up and freaked out thinking we didn't have much Time. it was funny.

"So what do you wanna do now we still have an hour before we need to head down there for the VIP to enter" I asked/told whatever you wanna call it.

"You wanna go eat"? she asked

"I guess so we can eat breakfast" I said as I grabbed the room key.

"Let's go" kailee said as she opened the door

We walked to to the elevator and as we stepped in Cameron Dallas was just standing in there about to walk out with abunch of food in his hands.

"OMG CAMERON DALLAS I LOVE YOU" kailee screamed running up to him.

He put down the food. and smiled at her.

I walked up to the elevator and sat there waiting on her.

"Can I have a picture" kailee asked already having her phone out.

"Ya sure thing, do you want a picture too" he asked looking at me.

"Nah I'm good" I said smiling trying to be nice.

After they took there 'selfie' he looked at me and said "you sure you don't wanna picture".

"I'm sure" I said starting to get annoyed I'll get a picture with him later I don't want my Photos to be full of pictures of them and me.

He started to walk closer to me "let's take a selfie" he said taking his phone out.

"Can you not" I said giving him a look and trying not to laugh.

"Actually I can" he said giving me the same face I gave to him and he failed to try not to laugh because he just started laughing which made me start laughing.

"Okay well me and kailee should get going" I said getting into the elevator.

"No Makayla let's hang out with him" she said pleading

"You can I'm gonna get food" I said about to push the lobby Button.

"Come on" she kept saying

"Will see him later I want food in my stomach so I'm going to get some you hangout with hi_ hey where'd go" I asked looking suprised.

"Ugh great you made him leave" she said frustrated and getting into the elevator

"Actually I didn't make him leave he has legs and his own mind he chose to left I didn't hold up a gun and force him to leave and I'm not his legs so I didn't plus I don't control his mind" I said as I took a deep breath man I should have remember to breath through all that.

"Whatever" she said clearly mad at me for no reason it wasn't my fault he left he left because he chose too. hashtag not my fault.

"Waterbuggs" I said as I hit the lobby button.

"We don't have enough time to eat" kailee said looking at the time

"Well you go ahead and go I'm gonna eat ill meet you there" I said as I ran into the food area without allowing her to answer

After I finished eating my breakfast I decided to go ahead and go but I so happened to remember that I don't even know were it's being held at I mean I know it's in the hotel but where.

"Excuse me" I said to the man at the lobby counter

"Yes miss" he asked me rather nicely I mean he did look like a sweet old man like 30.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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