"Makayla the tickets go on sale In 15 seconds get your butt out here hurry" kailee yelled at me.
"I'm coming hold your horses" I yelled back at her.
By the way I'm makayla and kailee ya she's my cousin also this is a wonderful tale about me and the Magcon family. it's sad too someone dies. Just kidding cool kids can't die.
Okay I'm pretty retarded
"Ya you are" kailee said laughing
"Wait I just said that out loud didn't i" I asked her with my loving confused face. Ya I have to use that face a lot.
"Yes you did now shut up and come on the sale now goes on in 5 seconds now hurry up" she said yelling in my face
"Umm you know I can hear you just fine you don't have to yell" I said as I was logging onto my laptop getting ready to yes but the Magcon VIP tickets for sale note my sarcasm I don't even really wanna go.
I mean ya I love the Magcon boys but it's stupid buying this shit and all you get is pictures an a hug or some shit you don't even get to hangout with them.
"Don't he a smartass now hurry your waiting time daydreaming" she said yelling at me once again
"Damn chill I'm going as fast as I can you know laptoping isn't as easy as it seems" i said in a sarcastic tone.
Oh I love sarcasm
"Laptoping isn't a word" kailee said as she sat down next to me
"Well it is in my book" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully
"Whatever okay now here we go... 3....2....1 BUY" she yelled the last part in my ear damn this girl needs to take a chill pill
"There I bought the last too I would have been the first but you had to screech in my ear" I said as I ran over to the printer waiting for he tickets to print.
"Well it's not just my fault you daydream alot" she said trying to defend herself
"Well I can't help it that I'm an Aries and I daydream alot" It was silent for a minuet after I said that then we both started laughing.
"Wait why are we laughing" I asked after I stopped laughing
"Because your trying to say that you daydream because your an Aries that's stupid" we laughed a little again
"Hey Aries has feelings too you know" I said laughing again
"Nevermind our tickets are printed and ready to use tomorrow" I said as I grabbed our tickets
" Well now we just need to head over to the hotel and will be able to rest and just relax an get ready for tomorrow" she said grabbing my keys and hanging them to me.
"Actually I need to pack still" I told her as I put the keys down with the tickets
"Seriously. Ugh come on I'll help you" she said clearly annoyed
"I'm a procrastinator I can't help it I just ugh you know what I mean" I said as we ran upstairs
"Actually no I don't" she said as we started laughing and running to my room
"Okay let's just pack now" I said grabbing my suitcase.
We packed a lot like half my closet and I just wanted to pack a few shorts and shoes and shirts but no kailee took over the packing and like I don't need that many clothes and shoes for two nights.
"Come on let's go" I yelled as I put my suitcase in the car and got in the drivers seat
"I'm coming" she said as she ran out to the car
She got in the front seat and then started yapping about Cameron Dallas.
I turned on the radio loud so I couldn't hear her and I laughed at her facial expression.
"Now were off" I yelled over the music and rolled down the windows
*at the hotel*
"Thank you miss" I yelled already half way down the hall to the elevator.
"Okay so what floor are we on" kailee asked as she got into the elevator and getting ready to push the button.
"Uhhh floor 5 room 309" I said looking at our room key.
"Okayyyyyyyy" she said dragging out the 'y' and pushing the number 5 button.
After the elevator ride she got our and ran trying to find room 309 j swear I feel like her mom right now watching her trying to find the room.
"Found it" I yelled as I looked to the left walking out of the elevator
"I know I was just tricking you so you'd follow me" she said running to me
"Sure you did" I said as I unlocked the hotel door and walked inside and jumped on the first bed I saw.
"Finally I can sleep" I yelled as my face was in a pillow.
"You always sleep" she said laughing going to the other bed.
"I can't help it that me and beds just get along" still yelling cos my face was still in the pillow
"Just like you and food" she said laughing once more.
"Duh me and sleeping and food are like family we just get along perfectly" I said laughing and taking my face out of the pillow.
"Well I'm gonna take a shower" I said as I ran into the bathroom and started my shower.
After the shower I got dressed and turned on the tv.
I was waiting on kailee to get out of the shower to start this commercial I saw it had shawn Mendes in it so shed freak.
"Kailee come on" I yelled wanting to go to sleep and show her.
"I'm out" she said as she came out dressed thank gosh. I don't wanna see anyone naked well I wouldn't mind seeing the Magcon boys naked.
I started smiling at my thought
"What are you smiling about" kailee asked me confused
"Oh sorry I was just thinking about the Magcon boys naked" I smirked
"OMG that'd me amazing what if we saw th_" I cut her off by playing the commercial
She kept watching it over and over again and starting to cry over shawn.
I laughed until I got too tired and just finally feel asleep.

Wait what just happened? Magcon fan fiction
Fiksi Penggemar"What just happened" I asked to Taylor caniff "Well I just asked you if you would like to come with us on Magcon tour" he said "I don't know" I told him looking down trying to make a decision gosh why is this so hard kailee would hate me if I go a...