Fields of Magic

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When the girl came in, she was carrying a long bundle in her arms. She was dressed in a milky white gown embroidered by lace and nets profusely. It was nothing like the ladies apparels he had seen before. She looked like a nymph from the Garden of Eden. He could feel the softness of the fabric of her gown with his eyes. Her wonderful strawberry blonde tresses were wrapped in a bun behind her head. 
An oval face, large doe shaped eyes, a small mouth with lips just the shade of pink Azalea that grew in his garden back home and a Greek nose with complexion devoid of even the slightest error described her.
She placed the bundle on the floor near to him and said, " I washed and dried some of my father's garbs for you, Sir. You must change your clothes, they are stained and not good for your wounds. Here, I have brought some warm water and a cloth too. Can you move your arms?"
" Yes i can. I am certainly much better. What was in that soup? How can broken bones be healed in a single night?" He was genuinely surprised with the strength in his voice, it sounded like he was never sick at all.
"It isn't a single night, but three nights that you passed half sleeping and half awake. You talked incessantly, i ll say you raved but in a tongue i do not understand and i calmed u and fed you and lulled you to sleep." Her eyes were downcast and she was sitting quite close to him on the mattress.
"Strange, but i do not remember a single thing, no dreams at all. Can i ask you something?" His eyes were glued on her face.
" You can, Sir unless its unsuitable to the propriety." She raised her eyes and found him looking her straight through them.
"What is your name?" His eyes remained hooked with hers
"Sabrina Gibson" She broke the connection and looked away.
"Sabrina, you promised me to tell everything. I am better and still impatient"
She pointed toward the wooden bucket and the cloth and said," After this i will. Change into the clothes and come out in the woods, then i will tell all and you will understand." She walked out of door and jarred it well.
When he was done rubbing his bare body, he opened the bundle. There were three linen shirts in white and grey, two breeches and a pair of woolen socks. He donned white shirt, brown breeches and woolen shocks. Damped his head with handful of water and combed his ginger hairs a bit.

Amos opened the wooden door and moved out in mild sunlight. The scene before his eyes was surreal. The tall chestnut backed tillers of corn were swaying like drunkard with the wind. It was a veritable jungle, vivid with colors and fragrance yet neatly arranged like the piles of clothes arranged by dexterous housewives. There were rows and rows of corn, laden with silky ears and sparkling yellow grains shaped like pearls. Dark orange Pumpkins on their light green vine were spread in circles around the bushes of Peas with their white and red flowers waiting to mingle and give birth to dangling green pods soon. Close to them were the Blueberries with bell shaped white flowers and multi-colored barks , Button bush with hummingbirds looming on their fragrant flowers and Bush-honeysuckle with its reddish bronze leaves on display. There were grasses like Big blue stem rising from their stem like the feet of a fat turkey, Prairie Drop-seed that looked like fizzled hairs pf a blonde and Wild ginger covering the earth all around with their heart shaped leaves under the shades of Spruce, Dogwood and Maple trees. At damp places there were tall Anemone and swamp milkweed. There was the Blue-flag ready to launch an attack with their sword shaped leaves and the purple and white Asters livid with the grace of a newly wed. The order and the neatness astonished him, it looked like a hearth swept everyday, with hardly any old leaves or the green trash anywhere on the earth.

He could see Sabrina sitting on a wooden swing cast among the sturdy branches of intimidating Bur oak tree with glossy leaves and shaggy acorns. All around the Oak their were Roses in white, violet and Crimson color. Sabrina was swinging and singing slowly. The sound was so sweet that without grasping any word his heart relaxed, it was deliciously soothing like the chilled wine back home.

He realized now that her gown was completely off-shoulder and she had covered her bare shoulders with a shawl when they met inside the house

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He realized now that her gown was completely off-shoulder and she had covered her bare shoulders with a shawl when they met inside the house. This shawl had now slipped completely and the sunshine was playing all over her soft bare skin. The sudden temptation to kiss her shoulders both shocked and scared him so much that he clutched the stem of the nearby rose bush and ultimately shrieked as the thorns wounded his fingers.

In a minute she was on his side and before his protest took the fingers between her lips and sucked the drops of blood.

'' You should be careful, Sir! This is wilderness, there are things vile and toxic all around, many are pure poison. Good for you that these are nothing but common rose bush thorns.''

''I see no poison, but only the blossoms and the beauty ethereal even to make the maids of heaven jealous.'' He fixed his eyes again around her shoulders.

She blushed and left his hand and motioned him to sit on the swing while she herself sat on a brown rock fixed at some distance.

''Tell me about everything now, Sabrina.'' He urged, sitting on the swing, facing the direction of the slowly rising sun and all the while thinking about just that moment when he felt the touch of her lips over his flesh.

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