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Arnav is smoking when Khushi came to him and snatched his cigarette and throws.

Khushi: don't forget your heart operation is done, don't you know it's dangerous to smoke?

Arnav: nothing going to happen to my heart. Stop acting as my wife Khushi.

Khushi: to say true things it's not needed to be your wife. Until you recover fully you can't smoke and I am not give permission to that.

Arnav: I don't need your permission, this is my life and I will live on my condition not yours.

Arnav said it angrily and Khushi is also angry, she went inside and brought full pack of cigarette and dumped in his hand.

Khushi: sit here and smoke how much want.

Saying this she went inside. Aman is seeing their cat fight. He came to Arnav.

Aman: whatever Khushi said is right Arnav, in this condition smoking is dangerous for you. Hear her words after all she's your wife.

Arnav: you think she accept me as her husband?? No Aman, you're in misconception.

Aman: she accepted that you're her husband, here is the proof.

Aman gave him application form on which Khushi signed as Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.

Aman: when Doctor came to take Sign on the paper, rain girl is the one who said She's your wife and signed these papers.

Arnav: really?? She said she's my wife? Can't believe.

Aman: yes it's true, OK I am going to meet our team, take care.

Arnav nodded his head, after Aman left Arnav is seeing application where Khushi wrote her name with him. Don't know why he felt someone is belonged him. When he came inside he saw Khushi doing something in Washroom.

Khushi: ASR, come inside time to take sponge bath.

Arnav raised his eyebrows, he came inside washroom and saw she's ready.

Arnav: what the!! You give me sponge bath?? No way go out I will do it myself.

Khushi: your hand is broken, so sit silently without making fuss.

Arnav: Aman will take care of these things, go and call him.

Khushi: for your kind information, he went out already, your mother went to Temple, now you and me are present in this mansion.

Arnav: I will take bath at evening.

Khushi seeing him in unbelievable expression, she kept her hands on her waist and said “I am not going to rape you, for that you're scared this much”.

Arnav: I am not scared, and you can't rape me either, because it's impossible to rape me.

Khushi: we will see that when time comes, now come I have lot of work to do.

Khushi inserted her pallu inside her waist and waiting for him to come, he can see her belly button. Khushi came near to him and started to remove his shirt button. Arnav gulped his saliva seeing her. When she touched his chest Arnav remembered his past with her [Tara]. He
hurriedly step back, once she touched him like that.

Khushi: what happened?? Come don't waste my time.

Arnav little angrily said “Go Out Rain Girl”. Khushi is surprised seeing his Change of tone, in some seconds back he's flirting with her and now suddenly he's changed. Khushi don't want to take it forward, so without saying anything she just left. Arnav closed the washroom door.

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