I know of a being that
attacks souls without
fear or mercy.
Like a thief it warns not
of his coming.
It knows not friend nor
I know of a being as
black as coal.
Not a myth I fear;
I've seen young and
old powerless before
This thing respects no
I know of a being that
lives trails of sorrow
and pain behind.
This being cares not
for it's victims;
nor for their heart-joined
But I know of a man--
God's son in flesh and
yet he broke the thing's
powers as dry twigs.
Yes, He conquered death!
I also know that at the
son's name,
all knees must bow;
and all tongues confess
that He-- Jesus, is Lord.
I also know that if you
accept Him;
He'll make you bright and
and He'll keep you in His
I've told you what I know,
don't let it be all for show.
The truth
PoetryIt's very simple; there's a God, and He truly cares for us. It might not be obvious, but believe me, it's there! John 3:16 So this is me spreading the gospel through the inspiration from the Holy Spirit via poetry. Thanks for reading. God bless yo...