Chapter 3

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"He did say sorry." Yerin pointed out. "And, you probably missed the fact that he got a lot of people behind him. He's a part of Exo. You wouldn't want to be attacked by his fans, right?"

Eunbi rolled her eyes. "Even so, that doesn't mean he could do anything to anyone as he likes. I'm going to make him say sorry like the actual sorry it is."

"But, Chanyeol didn't do it on purpose. He's probably half-asleep though. Well, we saw how he left out in the conversation and chose to take a nap instead. Remember?"

Eunbi looked into the mirror for a while. Honestly, Yerin has a point. Chanyeol was clearly not interested to participate in whatever conversation they had among themselves and productively, opting for a nap instead. But hey, Eunbi couldn't care less of it though. No matter what it is, Chanyeol is obviously at fault and that is period!

"That's a bull." Eunbi defense.

Yerin fell silent for a moment as she frowned and tapped on her chin. The elder girl was thinking of a way to stop the other from going after the only giant of the school and attempt murder on him. Eunbi looked like she was going to set Park Chanyeol on fire in no time flat and that was not a good thing for sure.

Yerin wasn't afraid of Park Chanyeol or his gang. It was more like she dreaded their horde of mentally ill fans. In a literal word, they are kind of obliged to do anything for the love of their life, Exo. Oh right, Exo. That was what they called themselves of. Lame, right?

Anyways, they are that infamous group every high school would have. It's more like F4 in Boys Over Flower but much more realistic. Consisting of the third years, Kim Suho, Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun. Sophomores, Kim Kai and Oh Sehun.

Yerin find it amusing sometimes, given the fact that Eunbi and herself shared the class with the boys; Eunbi, Sehun and Kai; Yerin and the rest of the boys. As if their life story were written by some random people she had no idea who and there is probably going to be some plot twist that gonna take place someday. Well, now that she thinks it twice, that surely is a load of shits. There is no such thing of course.

Then again, Yerin has no clue why those guys were so adored by so many people but it was quite understandable though, since the members were undeniably good-looking, top students and coming from a well-off family. Those were their top-notch qualities. Other than that, nope. They are just a bunch of plain dorks that are gifted with handsome faces to display around. Nothing much.

Anyways, that wasn't the case right now. Eunbi is, so get back to the issue now you peasant!

"I have an idea!" Yerin snapped her finger.


Yerin wiggled her eyebrows as a cheeky grin spread on her face. "I'll talk to Park Chanyeol and ask for compensation for you and you can just sit around and sip some coffee and problem's solved! How's that sound?"

Eunbi waved her off flatly. "Clever but no thanks, I can manage."

Yerin slumped her shoulders in defeat and puffed up her cheeks. Her ponytail seemed to droop as well when she got rejected. "What are you going to do then?"

Eunbi smirked and inclined her head slightly to the side. "Have you heard the old saying of 'an eye for an eye' ?"

The latter then grabbed her paper-bag and was ready to head for the door when Yerin suddenly latched onto her wrist. A horrified look plastered on the elder's face.

"That's insane! You're going to make yourself in trouble!"

Eunbi watched, laughing. She clutched onto the taller girl for support as she doubled over, wiping away an imaginary tear. The brunette calmed herself down and patted on Yerin's shoulder.

"You honestly didn't just fall for that, are you?" Yerin blinked, confused as Eunbi added more, "For god's sake, they're going to kill me even before I get to lay a finger on him." Eunbi finished and giggled a little more.

Yerin gaped and swatted Eunbi's hand away. "Geez, get off of me you short!" Yerin screamed and dashed out of the toilet, leaving Eunbi behind without spared a glance.

"Hey, hey! I was just joking! Hey!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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