Chapter 2

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•In the washroom•

"I am not!" Eunbi yelled as she took hold of Yerin's shoulders and shook the said girl.

"You should've just let me punch that face of his! He just embarrassed me in front of everyone! Geez, that giant! I swear I'll hunt him down after this and skin him alive!" Eunbi said through gritted teeth. She finally let go of Yerin and spun on her heels, heading to the sink.

It has been going for at least ten minutes that Eunbi spent her time drying up her wet hair in the toilet while complaining about how unfair Yerin was back in the cafeteria and how stressing the whole ordeal was.

The brunette let out an exasperated sigh before rushing into one of the stalls with a P.E uniform on her hands. A loud slam of door instantly rang throughout the empty washroom.

Eunbi didn't want to waste any time more in there because recess time was almost up and she definitely didn't want to run late for the second period. Her day at school was already worse as it is. Lucky because she had gotten permission from the homeroom teacher to change into P.E uniform though there was no Physical Education today.

While at the outside, all Yerin could do was shaking her head in response as she listened on at the muffled out rant of the shorter while fixing her wrinkled uniform for the aftermath Eunbi just caused.

It only took a short minute for Eunbi to come out and fully dressed into a more comfortable outfit. The brunette waddled over and went to the counter to do the last touch-up before she gathered her things and put them into a paper bag.

"I'm not going to let that giant off the hook. He should at least say 'sorry'." Eunbi grunted, blowing out a strand of hair from her face.

Yerin crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly to the side. "He did say sorry."

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