Chapter 1: Beautiful Stranger ver. 1

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Mark's p.o.v

Small snowflakes fell from those grey and black clouds that partially covered the dark sky. I looked up at the beautiful full moon, who had risen and was shining of all its brightness. I couldn't help but smiled at that moment. One small snowflake fell right on my nose, making me sneeze.

Being late was a habit in me. My little baby was waiting for me in my apartment. I too could not wait to see him as I had been missing him all day. I had safely made my way to the building and was climbing the stairs two steps at a time. Arrived on the third floor, I hidden myself away from that creepy guy that keep going late at night and came early in the morning. I did be lying saying that I didn't find this suspicious. But I don't want to ruin my day thinking about him. I opened the wooden door of my flat and once I closed, some small barking echoed through the room, and he came running towards me.

"Awww, hello baby." I said playfully, while picking him up.

"How was your day, my little Milky?" I asked, whilst he start licking my nose.

I couldn't help, but giggled as I was very ticklish,especially on the nose. I slowly put him on the carpet and walked to the kitchen to take his food. While I took out of cupboard, my phone rang several times. I hastily put his food in his personalised plate and gave it to him. I walked across the living room to my room to take my phone who was on the nightstand.

I had 12 missed calls from Calev. Aish..he gonna kill for missing his calls. I hurriedly unlocked my phone, pressed his number and waited him to pick up. I sigh as he disconnected the call. He is angry. I phoned him again but this time he took my call.

"Hi Calev..before you say something, I'm really sorry for missing your phone calls, I was busy giving Milky his food..please don't be angry with me!!!" I pleaded.

"Hmmmm let me think about it for a sec...yes..I forgive you, you dummy."

"Ahhhh, I'm relieved..I thought that you won't ever talk to me again!" I replied.

"There's absolutely no way I don't talk to you! And by the way, wanna hang out?"

"Uhm...I'm not sure, I'm scared to let Milky stay at home alone at night.." I said, feeling worried as I imagined some scenes where people would sneak in my flat and take Milky away from me!

"Ok...I understand..but maybe tomorrow you will come? Please it's been ages since I last saw you out." He replied, visibly sad I didn't accept his offer.

"Yup, I will, don't worry." I replied, feeling guilty.

"Good night Mark, wish you sweet dreams,"

"Night, waiting for tomorrow to come" I said with a smile plastered on my face and with that I ended the call.

With that, I went to the bathroom and took a long shower. When I finished getting dressed, I climbed into my soft bed. As I was about to drift into the world of dreams, a little bark bring me back to reality. I reached for Milky who was on the mad by my bed, sitting on his butt, waging his tail. I picked him up and placed him against my chest, slightly hugging him.

Sunlights made their way in my room through the my curtains, waking me up. I groaned as my body ached all over as if I had fallen from heaven. I quickly took a look at my clock on my nightstand to see that it was 8:15!! Fuck, if I'm late again, Mrs Morgan will literally kill me!

I lunged towards my bathroom, stripping while running and by the time I reached the bathroom, I'm completely naked. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and hurriedly dried myself off with a towel whilst choosing an outfit. I choose a plain white long sleeves shirt with a pale blue jeans with my black hoodie. I ran to the kitchen to take Milky's food out and placed it in his plate, put it down and I lunged to the door, grabbing my backpack by the same occasion. I waved at my little confused puppy and locked the door of my apartment and rushed down the stairs.

Finally out of the building, I literally ran to the nearest bus stop but due to my speed, I was going to dumped into an old lady who was also waiting for the bus. I stopped running to avoid the accident. I didn't realised that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday and I was famished. I was busy thinking where I could get a decent breakfast and that I didn't realised that the bus I was waiting for had arrived and to use the honk to make me get out of my trance.

I rapidly get on the vehicle and went straight for a backseat. I took my earphones out of my bag and plugged to my phone and listened to music till I arrived to school ( my daily routine). Once I get out, I rushed to the door of the high school and my face fell flat against the cold glass. I slowly opened the double door, lunged through the corridor and climbed the stairs. By pure chance, when I entered the class, Mrs Morgan hadn't yet arrived. I hurriedly go for my usual place and took out everything I needed for the day.

The day went on smoothly. I had finally arrived to my favourite class: photography. As always, I was the first one to arrive in the class. Time passed by, the class filled with students. The class was surprisingly silent today. After that I waited for Calev to come so we could hang out like we had planned. He eventually came with our little squad. When he saw me, he sprinted till he was able to stand right in front of me. He was panting by the time he reached and I couldn't but laughed at him.

When the rest arrived, I was still laughing like a crazy. Calev had recover from his little run and was ruffling my hair when one girl who was observing for the last few minutes approached us. She had straight long black hair and wore a pair of jeans and white shirt with a loose jacket. Another girl was right behind her and in contrast, she had short brown hair and wore a baby pink shirt with a short black skirt and her shyness made her look cuter than she already was.

"Hi! I'm Raven and this is Judith," She said, pointing towards the small figure, hiding behind her.

"H-h-hi!" Judith said, looking directly at me from behind the shoulder of Raven but hid completely.

"H-hello, can we help you?" I asked as I looked at Calev who was staring at Raven, open mouth.

"We are actually new to the city and we don't anyone in the school guys seemed pretty cool so I...thought we could become friend and spend time together, uhm by together I mean your group with me and Judith." She said while scratching the back of her neck.

"Yeah, it will more fun if you two come along!" I said, excited at the idea of making new friends.

That's how they ended being very good friend as they had a lot in common. Judith was still shy but less than before, Raven said that it was normal for Judith to act that way, so I didn't question her more. We decided to go to the arcade and surprisingly Raven and Judith consented to go too. The guys were too busy talking to the gurls about some random stuff that I wasn't interested in. I was looking at the shop across the road that sell some feminine clothes when my eyes landed on him, a beautiful stranger or my eyes were lost in his magnificent greenish blue eyes, who were staring back into mine.


"HEY you!" Mark said aloud. "Yes you" " Don't forget to vote"

This chapter is kinda long sorry could not make it shorter but don't worry I will explain everything in the upcoming chapters. 😁😁😉😉

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