It's Complicated

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~next morning~

I woke up with tears dried to my face, I knew i had to wake up but i didn't want to i wanted to stay in bed and never move again but i knew i couldn't i still need to help mum and my little brother while he was stilll here with me. *Alarm*

i went to my back closet and began to do my makeup and straighten my hair. i put on a grey sweater and some shorts with high knee socks and booties I wasn't in the mood to get dressed up. I went down stairs to get everything ready and make breakfast for he boys, after i finished with the pancakes and eggs i set the tea pot in the middle with the teabags and went to get my schedule. I checked the time on my phone and it was only 5:30 am great, i cleaned up a bit and called the photographer from the photo shoot to make sure everything was ok and than called Paul the body guard to let him know we would leave at 7 so to be hear. After i was done with every thing I sat down and put my headphones and relaxed before i have to wake them up.

At 6:00 i got up and went to wake the boys quietly, they all groaned and rolled over but i opened the curtains and pushed them out of bed and i saved the heaviest sleeper for last Louis i walked into his room and scooted next to him and  whispered "Louis it's time to get up." he rolled over and i sighed and said " ok let's do this the hard way." i climbed on top of him and shook him with my arms he reached for my arm and flipped us over so he was on top of me.

Louis; " Well hello Andy what a beautiful surprise." he said with a smirk and a wink  Ia tempted to push him but he just laughed

Me; " Louis, get off of me it's almost time to go." he smiled and traced my body with his eyes

Louis; " i could get use to this view and this position." i rolled my eyes and stuck my tong out at him but he looked really concentrated for a minute he stared at me with the most endearing eyes and just kept silence i stared back with a questionable look he bent down and inched closer to my lips but i got scared and turned to the side  and he kissed my cheek. I looked up at him and he stared down in disappointment and began to pull away but i pulled him up "Louis wait." he still didn't look up at me. i turned him over so i was on top and he still didn't look. I pushed his chin up with my hand and leaned down and kissed him lightly, he began to wrap his arms around me and turned me over so the kiss go more hated, this time he crashed our hips together and he and i moaned slightly but i smiled and pulled him off before things could get any worse. "get ready we leave in 20." i said an d walked out into the hall and down the stairs i fixed my hair as I went down the stairs and walked into the kitchen

"You guys already eat?' I asked Harry and liam they nodded and kept starring at there phones. " ok good we leave in like 15 minutes has paul got here yet?" Niall walked in and said" Yeah he's outside on the phone really quick." me:' ok good." i walked into the living room to see Zayn on the phone with who i think is his mum i'm not sure i mouthed 'Ready?' an he nodded and smiled so i walked back to the kitchen to see Louis had come down and starred at me smiling i smiled back and walked to get a coffee cup so I can get some tea than sat down next to liam and leaned my head on him i was so tired i couldn't even carry my head he lay ed his head on mine letting me know he understands than i look at my phone and it's time to go "Hey guys it's time to go ." i heard a lot of groans and went to grab my purse while everyone else walked out at least Paul was driving and he brought SAM so I had to sit behind with the boys.

I ended up falling asleep and on top of Niall and he woke me up with a small shake i got up and got out of the car. The boys went into the makeup and hair room while i sat at the set nearly falling asleep i heard a small cough from behind me an turned quickly

M; "Justin? Hi what are you doing here?" I said standing up quickly and hugging him he laughed and smiled at me

J; "I just finished my photo shoot and heard you guys were coming so i decided to stay and keep you company while the guys dot there thing." i smiled

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