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I'm Old

I'm Force.

I'm Warmth and ... Cold.

I'm wild.

I'm Diversity

I'm Balance

I'm Implacable.

I'm unpredictable.

I'm home.

I am LIFE.

I'm powerfull and so vast, that my limits seem infinite, there are no borders that can really stop me. I represented one of the most incredibles things in this world.

Even with so many qualities, too ... I am Weak.

How, being so immense and majestic, do I fall before an enemy that looks insignificant before me?

I want to fight, however, my weapons aren't enough against his great arsenal. My soldiers are trapped and condemned to die.

I can seem cruel, fierce and unstoppable, but my opponent far surpasses me.

He has made me a battlefield, for which my inhabitants suffer, as much as I do.

It has poisoned my blood, clogged my veins, contaminated the purity that always remained, with a perfect balance, I give and they give me, creating an extraordinary circle that connects our lives.

How not to suffer when seeing those magnificent creatures fighting against an enemy that they don't know and that even manages to camouflage themselves in my waters?

The plastic.

It's devastating to see them wrapped in that transparent thing, so strong and lasting, that now it's part of many currents, it flows in my torrents, destroying the amazing harmony that I possess.

How can I not be sad and angry, if I no longer recognize myself?

I'm no longer a safe place. Those who don't get caught up in the different forms that the plastic that is poured into me, aspire it from my waters, because I'm no longer just oxygen and nutrients, I'm not a symbol of purity, nor a perfect habitat, now also ... I am Plastic .

I scream sore, for not being able to protect them, to see me helpless before each attack, because the only animal that can help me, the cause of this atrocious disaster, doesn't listen to me.

His intelligence has deafened him. His development has dazzled him, to the point of blindfolding him. His growth has made him selfish and ruthless.

He's the one who takes more than me, and is the one who hurts me the most.

But all isn't lost, not all have fallen to the voracious consumption of plastic, whose growth has been immeasurable in this last century, not all see me as a giant garbage man, some have heard my voice, have delighted with the amazing and indescribably beautiful symphony that my guests give.

They've joined me, fighting against their own species, defending the unimaginable number of beings that dwell in me.

Seeking to protect the incredible world, almost magical, that hides in my depths.

They're my spokespersons, in those places that can't hear me. My translators, able to make my message understood throughout the world. My defenders, willing to fight by my side, against that aberration that pollutes my body.

They ... Are Planet.

And you, what are you?

Planet or Plastic?

THE OCEAN'S VOICEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora