Chapter Twenty-Six - Compromising pictures

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Warning : There's a mild bullying scene in this chapter. 

IN THE MAIN SCHOOL CORRIDOR hung a huge portrait of Georgia surrounded by fake candles and notes from her friends the following morning. Her death had been turned into some PSA campaign. Luc was able to tune it out—listening to the radio, on his way to our lockers.

He'd glanced from under his hoodie, as did Ben, but they didn't interrupt their conversation or slow down.

The town would hold the funeral for her this week. A part of me wanted to show up, but I hardly knew the girl. I wouldn't be able to stand the whole process, watching her lifeless figure go into the ground when it could have been me.

I downed an aspirin for my headache and headed to class, half-awake. If it weren't for the chemistry test, I probably would have stayed in bed. The disadvantage with public school was being unable to choose when to wake up and start learning, and my body wasn't accustomed to it.

I sat next to Adam as usual, and we talked until the teacher began distributing the exam sheets. When the test was over and I grabbed my things, I faced him. We hadn't brought up that date since I told him I was busy, and I was scared he's given up on the idea.

"Hey, Adam?"

He turned, arching a brow. "Yeah?"

It was usually the other way around, but I wanted to make it clear that I hadn't abandoned the plan. He had this special way of making me forget all the awful stuff going on in my life.

"I wanted to know if you would like to go to Homecoming with me if you don't have someone already," I let out at once before I wormed out.

His eyes widened, taken by surprise, but he didn't seem upset by it. At least I hoped. Then he laughed, throwing his head back.

"What is it?" I asked, unease growing inside me. Was he going to reject me in front of the class?

The laughter subsided. "Sorry about that. It's just crazy, I was actually going to ask you today."

It was my turn to look surprised. "Really?"

"Why would I lie about this?" He grinned, and it looked honest and playful. We got out in the hall. "I... I think you're very nice, Riley. I like you, and... I'd be lucky to take you to Homecoming."

My stomach immediately turned to mush in a way I'd never felt before in my life, and I knew my face shifted to bright pink. He noticed and shook his head.

"It doesn't have to be serious," he added as if to reassure me. "I know you're not won over yet. I can tell. It's okay with me for now."

How could he be this sincere and make it so damn easy? He basically told me he liked me and I didn't feel the slightest uneasy. Where do I learn this kind of natural composure?

He winked. "See you at Homecoming, then?"

I searched for something witty or clever to say, but I was still digesting the realization that I asked him out and It went well. "Can't wait." I turned left to head to my locker, my chest fluttering.


The week flew by considering I was still on lockdown. I was nervous as to what my dress now looked like after Emma altered it, but she assured me it came on magnificently. It's not that I didn't trust her, it's the not knowing that bugged me.

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