It's Been A While

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(I have down time at work, so I'm uploading this now. From Mark's point of view. Amyplier smutshot. Contains smut. I'm back baby.)

 "This will help with cold." The pharmacy attendant behind the counter said with somewhat broken English. I looked down at the bottle, it appeared to be a container of Sudafed, from what I could read. I did my best to thank him, in my equally as broken Korean. The attendant smiled and winked, "Will increase libido too."

"Is that so." I chuckled as he roared with a belly laugh.

"No, no. I joke, I joke."

"I figured." I smiled. "But, it would be a nice side effect."

He laughed again as we made the transaction. One tickle at the back of my throat and my mother demands I go to the nearest pharmacy for cold medication. I don't blame her though, it's good to take precautions, and God knows I tend to come back home sick after vacationing out of the states.

I turned to look at Amy as she stood waiting outside for me. It was our last day in Korea and I didn't want to be sick for it, so it wasn't hard to give in to my mom's persistence on the matter of preventing the dreaded cold virus. Though as I accepted to bag of throat lozenges, Sudafed and decongestants, I couldn't help but think as I approached the door to greet my lovely girlfriend, that joke being mulled over in my brain as I came to the realization.

It has been a while since me and Amy have been intimate.

The bell above the door jingled as I exited, she turned and smiled at me. I waved back as the pharmacist called out "Have a good day!" after me. As we walked together, to meet up with the rest of my family, I pondered a bit more.

It..... It really has been a long time. We have both just been so busy, that the most we do now is snuggle down in bed, kiss each other goodnight and fall asleep. I sighed inwardly, remembering how a simple kiss from her made me want to rip her clothes off and go to town. A desire that made me feel like a teenage boy again, living out a fantasy, one of those you had as you were in the midst of puberty.

Except, with the woman I love and not a bottle of lotion and tissues.

Throughout the time we have been dating, every time I look at her I get a feeling that's a combination of giddy and horny. Even looking at her now, I still smile and feel elation. The horny feeling I usually get and that made me feel like a teen again had subsided over time the busier we both got and the less time we had for each other. Hell, she had to corner me to get us to schedule a time to go to Hawaii. Even when I was getting that massage the other day. It was a really good massage, no doubt, but it was weird to have some other dude straddle me. However, I still had that thought of 'God, I wish this was Amy on top of me.' and again, it would be weird to close my eyes and fantasize it was Amy, for several reasons that really don't need to be listed.

Another inward sigh, the times Amy gave me a massage, it would almost always lead to sex and I'm beginning to think I miss that. It wasn't just a cheap thrill, or a moment to get each other off, it was closer than that, it was a real connection, as cheesy as that sounds. I side eyed her with a smile, when we get back to LA, I should set up a date night, a romantic evening, bring back that spark we both know we have. As much as I would love to do that tonight, the rest of my family would be deeply disturbed by the creaking bed, the occasional smacking of the headboard against the wall and the moaning, both of us can be very rough and vocal, we uh... We don't know quiet.

I shook the thought of my mom and aunts clutching their covers in fear as the heard noises they didn't want to hear. Then a soft voice broke my train of thought.

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