Chapter 1

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EDIT: This was written in year nine. It's really bad and I didn't really understand trigger warnings then and my spelling was horrible. So if you continue to read remember that

Dick and Jason was sat on the sofa in their apartment. Well it was more like a base. The snuggling together.
Dick: Jay. will you get me something to eat? I'm hungry.
Jason: sure
Jason gets up and walks into the kitchen. Dick sits up to get the remote. When he starts to feel really worm. Then he started to feel burning. his face had turned red. The burning got worse.
he screams in pain. Jason runs into the room and goes straight to dick to see what's wrong.
Jason: babe? What's wrong?
Dick: it burns. Jay.  it hurts..
Jason: babe. are you in your pre-heat?
Dick nods
Jason: do you want to cuddle?
Dick nods again and they cuddle each other the pain from the
pre-heat slowly dies down to point where dick didn't seem or smell like he is in heat even though he is.
Jason: you good now?
Dick: yep.
Jason: do you know what made you have a pre-heat?
Dick: Well. umm about that.  you know the main heat?
Jason: where your meant to mate and produce a pup. yeah I know the main heat.
Dick: mine is in 3 weeks.
Jason: what!!! In 3 weeks we have to try for a pup?
Dick: yep
Jason: oh. OK
Dick: your not mad?
Jason: no. but . I don't go to the Mt justice today please in case you have another pre-heat.
Dick: OK I'll stay.
Jason: well we are out of food so I'm going shopping.
Dick: OK bye
Jason: bye
Dick kisses Jason and he kisses back then leaves.

What will happen next? read on to find out

JayDick (young Justice/werewolf/batfamily) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now