chapter 8

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Conner puts Dick on the med bay bed.
Dick: guys I'm fine
Wally: you're not fine. You said you have been like this for two weeks
Artemis: Wally is right. You aren't fine.
M'gann: you need to rest
Tim and aqualad walk in.
Aqualad: batman and black Canary are on their way
Tim: and your boy friend, Nightwing, is on his way to.
Dick: oh no. I'm so dead.
No one had seen Jason, batman and black Canary walk in.
Jason: you so are wing.
Dick: hey hood.
Batman: why didn't you tell us you have been ill?
Dick: didn't want to look weak.
Wally: dude you're the strongest person I know.
The rest of the team: yeah
Black: I need everyone that not a bat to leave to the room.
The team leave.
Black Canary: you might be pregnant. So I'm going to do a pregnancy test. Alright
Dick nods and black Canary does the test
Black Canary: we have to wait a couple of minutes for it to work.
Tim: alright.
Dick: what's going to happen if I am pregnant?
Batman: well for one your going to stop going out in the field.  And two we are going to tell the team and justice League the bat family secret that we are wolves
Dick nods
Jason: then we going to care for our cub or cubs forever. My little omega. And I'm going to make sure you are all healthy. So that means you have to listen to me when I say to rest and eat.
Dick: yeah I know.
Tim: we are all going to be keeping an eye on you 24/7.
Dick: alright.
A beeping nose goes off telling them the test is done. Black Canary looks at it.
Batman: what does it say Dinah?
Black Canary: Dick is pregnant.
Dick puts his hands on his flat belly and smiles. Jason wraps his hands around dicks waist and smiles.
Batman: looks like I'm going to be grandad sooner then I thought
Tim: yeah.
Dick: you're ok with this?
Tim: you have always wanted cubs dick. We would be dammed not to let you have them and not be happy about. And Jason would kill us. For making his omega upset. Dick
Jason: yeah i would. 
Dick smiles
Dick: thanks guys
Black Canary; you're welcome.
Dick: so when are we telling the team and the league?
Batman: when you're ready?
Dick: can we do it now?
Tim: sure
Batman calls the league and everyone goes to the living room.

What will happen next? How will everyone react? Will Dick and the cub be ok? Read on to find out

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