chapter 7

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~time skip~
It's been two week since Dick's heat.  The day after Dick's heat, Dick was straight back up again doing his hero work and training the team.  Jason was very worried about Dick that day since when people normally have their main heat they have to rest for 3 days. So that whole day, since Dick was to stubborn to stay home and rest, Jason had at least one bat family to stay with him.

Jason and the rest of the bat family thought Dick was fine after 3 days so they left him alone and stoped following him around all the time.  But Dick hasn't been fine. He has been keeping a secrete. Ever since the day the bat family stopped following him he has been getting theses strange symptoms. The symptoms are: dizziness, feeling sick (he hasn't thrown up yet), tied and wired food cravings. Dick is surprise that no one had noticed. Expressly since his whole family are detectives.

Right now the team was getting ready to watch a movie in the living room. the team sit down in the living room. Conner and m'gann sat on a love chair.  Artemis, Wally and aqualad was sat on the sofa.  Tim sat on the floor Infront of the last chair leaving that chair for Dick when comes into the room with the popcorn.  A bit later Dick comes into the room he puts the popcorn down. And was about to walk over to the chair when he started to feel super dizzy. He nearly fell over from the dizziness. He would have fallen if Wally didn't catch him. Everyone looked at Dick worriedly. Wally sat Dick down on the chair.
Tim: are you ok wing?
Dick: yeah m'fine
M'gann: are you sure?
Dick: yes.
Artemis: then why did you nearly fall?
Dick: I'm just dizzy..
Aqualad: why my friend?
Dick: don't know
Wally: how long have you been feeling dizzy?
Dick: it's been on and off for the a week. 
Tim: what!. Conner can you pick Nightwing up and take him to the med bay please? Aqualad can you get hold of batman and black Canary and tell them this please. I'm going to call Nightwing's boyfriend.
Conner nods and picks Dick up.
Dick:  guys I'm fine.
Conner takes Dick to the med buy. M'gann, Artemis and wally following after wards.  Tim went to his room and called Jason.  Aqualad calls batman and black Canary.
Batman: what is it aqualad?
Aqualad: it's Nightwing.
Black Canary: what's wrong with him?
Aqualad: he has been feeling dizzy for a week and a half. Please can you come and check on him
Batman/black Canary: on it
They hang up.
~with tim~
Jason: what is it Tim?
Tim: it's dick
Jason: what's wrong with him?
Tim: he has been lieing to us. He has been dizzy since we stopped following him around.
Jason: oh no. I'm on my way
Jason hung up. Tim met aqualad on the way to the med buy.

What will happen next? Will Dick be ok? What's wrong with Dick? Read on to find out

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