Chapter 1

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EDIT: This was written in year nine. It's really bad and I didn't really understand trigger warnings then and my spelling was horrible. So if you continue to read remember that

Dick was kneeling next to the toilet after throwing up. Wally walks into the room.
Wally: babe?
Dick: I'm fine wally
Wally: your clearly not fine babe. You you just throw up for the 10 time this week.
Dick: I'm fine
Dick gets up wipes his mouth and walks out of the bathroom and then gets something to eat he was eating the same amount as a speedster wally runs into the room
Wally: babe.
Dick: what?
Wally: your eating as much as me and you hate eating.
Dick: I know but I'm hungry.
As soon as Dick had finished and put his plate away. wally picks him up and runs him to star labs and places him on the med bed
Dick: not that I am complaining but why are we here? And why did you put me on the med bed?
Wally: because you clearly not OK and I'm getting Catlin to give you a check up.
Cisco walks in followed by Caitlin
Cisco: did I hear Dick is here?
Dick: hey Cisco.
Cisco: dude why are you sat on a med bed?
Dick: ask wally.
Wally: babe I told you. Your clearly not well....
Dick: I'm fine!
Wally: you say that but you have been throwing up every day for the last 10 days and you have been eating as much as me and you hate eating I normally have to force you to eat.
Dick sighs
Caitlin: looks like you need a cheek up Dick
Dick: fine.
Caitlin walks over to Dick and does a check up but then she asks if everyone else can leave the room so she can just talk to Dick so everyone leaves
Caitlin: Dick?
Dick: yes?
Caitlin: did you go full heat and mated with wally?
Dick nodded
Caitlin: you may be pregnant I'm going to have to do test.
Dick: OK
Caitlin does a test 5 minutes later the results come back.
Dick: well?
Caitlin: your pregnant
Dick: how am I going to tell wally or the team or Bruce or my family?
Wally was out side the door when Dick said that so he walked in and said
Wally: tell me what?
Dick: I'm pregnant

What will happen next? how will wally react? Will Dick tell wally his secrete? Read on to find out

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