Bad news

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Y'all I'm going do like 2 more chapters as them kids then imma let them grow up so I can really do what I want to do with them,Ight so now I'm finna go and let y'all enjoy the story byeeee

At Gilly House
Tray-aye yo chris come here let me talk to you rq
Chris-Ight bro wassup
Tray-um I think I like Airi and I want to ask her out
Chris-nigga she is 8 year old she is to young for you
Tray-no she not she's 2 years younger then me what are you talkin about
Chris-Look man I'm just saying but anyways do what you wanna do I'll be here to support it and if you need anything I'm just a call away cuz
Tray-Ight thank u bruh I'm finna go ask my mom can I go back home so I can pop the big question
Chris-Ight bro see you later
Tray-aye ma can we go now I'm getting a lil sleepy
Lisa-ya come on me to um ttyl Sammy
Sammy-ttyl love y'all
Tray and Lisa-Love you too

Back at the house

Janay-Airi,Nique,Dearra,Dc come here I gotta talk to y'all it's very important
Kids-Ight here we come
Janay-Ight so as y'all may know that we have been staying here for like 4 years
Kids-yea and
Janay-well I was thinking that it's time that we move to Atlanta
Kids- whyyy
Janay-because I feel like Lisa,Morgan,and Tray needs there own space
Airi-they don't need no space
Janay-how you know
Airi-because and how you know that "Lisa" needs her own space
Janay-because she is finna get a boyfriend and he has a daughter so it's about to get crowded
Nique-well she can sleep on the floor fa all we care
Janay- I raised some devils
Nique-The only devil I see is u because u trying to break us up from the only people we really know
Janay-fucc you Nique
Nique-sorry but I don't do that with girls
Janay-stop trying me little girl
Nique-iono care about nun of that BS u talkin bout fr so you can miss me with all that bruh
Janay-Who you talkin to
Dc-uhh u,u wobble bobble bitchhh
All the kids is laughing
Janay-stfu u rug rats
Dearra-well if we rug rats u the mommy so u the big bigg BIGGGGG rug rat if you know what I mean
Dc-hahahahaha u got me at that soldier
He's crying laughing
Airi-I feel like u only wanna move because u know I got feelings for Tray
Janay-first of all u shouldn't be having feelings for him because you are to young anyways and second of all that's not true
Airi-Who are you to tell me that I am to young to have feelings I mean that's part of life I mean like don't ever act like you ain't never had feelings for somebody when you was a little girl so stop coming for me tf
Janay-you gon stop disrespecting me u lil fucc
Airi-and you gon stop trying to stop my love life u big fucc
All the kids is laughing except Airi because she is mad
Janay slaps the shit out of Airi
Airi is holding her face
Janay-omg Airi I'm so sorry I lost my temper
Airi-no leave me tf alone
Airi runs out of the room crying
Trotks= The Rest Of The Kids
Trotks-you wrong for that and if you ever touch our sister again or us we gon call the police
Nique and Dearra runs out and follows Airi to there room
Airi-If y'all don't mind I would like to be alone
Dearra-Ight bet but if you need anything we will be in the living room
Airi-ok love y'all
Nique-Love u to gurl
Dearra-Love u to boo

10 mins later

Trays finally home
Tray-hey y'all where Airi at
Dc-she is in her room soldier
Tray-Ight thank u
Dc-no problem soldier
Tray laughs and walks away

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock

Airi-Who is it
Tray-it's me Tray
Airi-Ight come In
Tray-hey Airi can I ask you s
He stoped talking cause he seen Airi crying
Tray-Airi what's wrong
Airi-it's my mom
Tray-what she did
Airi-she said that we are moving to Atlanta
Tray-what Airi stop playing with me
Airi-Tray if I was playing I wouldn't be crying now would I
Tray-you right I'm sorry
Airi-it's okay
Tray-well what are we going to do then
Airi-we can't do nothing so I have no choice but to move because she's still my mom
Tray-yea I guess you are right
Airi-yea well don't you think we need to tell King and Ken because Nique and Dearra go out with them
Tray-yea but who goes out with who
Airi-Nique and King go out with each other and Dearra goes out with Ken
Tray-oh that's fire but let's go and tell them

They is down stairs now

Airi-aye y'all me and Tray was thinking and we think that y'all should go and tell Ken and King that y'all are moving because y'all is in a relationship
Dearra-ok when
Airi-um do y'all wanna do it now
The girls-yea come on but who taking us
Airi-Tray can you go ask yo mom
Tray-yea I can try but we just left from over there so I doubt she's going to say yes
Tray-Ma what you doing
Lisa-nun what do you want Tracy
Tray-oh um I was wondering can we go back to aunt Sammy's house cause we all bored
Lisa-no because I was just about to go to sleep but I will take y'all in the morning Ight
Back in the living room
Tray-she said not today because she's finna go to sleep but she said she'll take us in the morning
Dc-well I'm about to go to sleep because a soldier is sleepy so gn soldiers
EB-Ight gn

The next morning
Lisa-aye y'all need to wake up if y'all still want to go to Sammy's house
EB-Ight we up
They done getting ready and is in the car almost at Sammy's house

They arrived at Sammy's house

Knock Knock Knock Knock
Opens the door
Chris-wassup y'all come in and the bros are in the back
Dearra-Ken can i talk to you
Ken-yea wassup
Dearra-I came here to tell you that we are moving next week
Ken-omg I just met u and u already moving
Dearra- yea but I'm sorry
Ken-it's ok it's not yo fault
Dearra-Ight think u for understanding
Ken-you welcome

Nique-King can I talk to you
Nique-I just wanted to tell you that we are moving real soon
King-bruh come on I just got you as a girlfriend
Nique-are u mad at me
King- I can't be mad at you it's not your fault
Nique-thanks for understanding me bae
King-you welcome shorty

Yall this was a long ahh chapter but I had to give it to y'all and the next time I will be updating is Friday so be on the look out please and I'm not about to reread this so I don't know if it sounds good or not but hope you guys enjoy it love y'all so much by-byeeee

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1332 words

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