Chapter 3 Erika and Alissa crush

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Erika:yesterday when the new kid came I really like him he is hot and beautiful eyes and cute I want him to be my boyfriend
Alissa:I really like the new kid he is hot and I want him so bad
Anthony:listen I know Jakey is cute but do try to kiss him or he will hit u
Erika:why because of his brother
Anthony: shit
Jake:no stop no don't talk about them or I will punch u stop don't every talk to me Anthony like I said I trust no one after want he did to my heart
Anthony:I know
Erika:what happened
Jake: please Erika stop
Erika:how do u know me
Ray punch Jake
Jake punch ray 20 time
Jake:when u will lean u son of a bitch
Erika:stop why u worry that we talk about ur brother
Jake knock out Erika
Jake:stop just stop I leave tomorrow with my sister bye
Anthony:Jake no I need to
Jake:I will the reason I got mad is because my parents and brother abuse me and that why and I left I just want to died
Jake chock me self knock out for 2 minutes
Anthony:why Jake why
Jake:I need to leave bye
Anthony:I told u not to get involved now Jakey is thanks why do u hate me u what don't ever talk to me
Anthony follow Jake
Anthony:sorry Jake
Jake:I need time alone please don't let ur friends talk to me or else ok
Jake thinking: something I wish I was never born but I have to live until sunny is all grew up because i need her to her a good brother
Gym period
Coach:ok team 1 is Jake Paul Anthony Trujillo Chad Tepper Thomas Petrou Erika Costell Chance Sutton and Logan Paul
Jake punch Logan
Jake:u son of a bitch u left me by myself u bitch leave me live I don't want u in my live because u Pam and Grag abuse me when I was 4 know I don't want I here u son a bitch
Anthony hold down Jake
Jake:I leaving
Jake go home a see sunny
Jake cries for 3 minutes and then hugs sunny and then realized that sunny is in good hands because unlike Logan Jake will never hurt sunny

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