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Tapping his foot against the marble floor, he waits by the foyer, his usual antiques of winking at the receptionist all but forgotten today. Just like any other day, people enter and leave, taking seats, in the waiting area, for interviews and what nots.

Daniel was never one to bother about these and today of all days, he couldn't pay attention to them. Not when the awkward girl, he has been dying to get a glimpse of for over a week just got out of her beaten down car. He watches her place one feet into front of the other, her hips swaying involuntarily as her legs wobbled a little before she steadied herself and strode in.

She hasn't seen him, but that didn't matter because he saw her, and he stopped himself from going over and hugging the day lights out of her. To anyone, who knew his heart's desire, he would've sounded like a sociopath and would've kept at least 3 foot distance away from him, but it didn't matter.

He'll move heaven and earth for one of her smiles. It was that beautiful. And breath taking. As soon as she entered through the rotating doors, he grabbed her hand and yanked her towards her.

"Let go of me." Mortified she retreats glaring at
him once and then the rest of the crowd, the rest of the crowd shamelessly watching them, before sighing and hanging her head low. Elliot walks over to the receptionist, who has been blowing bubbles just like the first time she saw her. Elliot got the urge to pop it with a pin, but she refrained from doing that al though nothing would bring more joy than that.

"Hi I was here for an interview last week, and I've been offered the job. I was told to report to the reception and That I'll be handed all my work information? My name's Elliot." She says, calmly tucking a hair strand behind her ears and tapping her foot lightly as she waited for the receptionist to do her job.

Daniel can see the anger brimming behind Meghan's caked face, and he bites the inside of his cheeks from laughing out loud. Of course, Meghan would be jealous of Elliot. But as not to break her heart any further, he smiles at the receptionist, who he noticed had two button undone on her blouse before he places a hand on Elliot's back.

"That won't be necessary, Meghan. I'm here to take Ms. James to her designated workplace." He grabs the file folder Meghan was handing to Elliot and by his other, he grabs the hand of the latter and walks towards the elevator.

"Have a good day, Daniel!"

He can feel Elli's reluctance  but nonetheless she walks beside him, tugging her hand loose off of his hold as soon as they reach the set of elevators.

"Honestly, what do you want from me?" As her face turns a shade or two lighter than a ripe tomato, from anger, he just can't help but laugh at her reaction. "Do you have no job?"

"I can't do my job without you." That's all he says, his smirk sealing his response. Even though his answer left  her dumbfounded once again, deciding it was better to keep her lips sealed, she glares straight ahead. As for Daniel,  for the whole duration of the elevator ride, he poked her arm just to get a reaction from her.

As soon as the elevator door opens with a ding, she took a long stride out of the tiny box, her Long legs stretching for miles, and looks around.

"Hello, you must be Ms. James. I'm Mr. Keller, the head of the photography and editing department and I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your interview."

His voice carried itself with authority and a sense of power, and a tad bit of kindness with it, and Elliot instantly warmed up to his greeting.

"Good morning Ms. James. And no apologies needed." She knew her answer sounded dumb, but she didn't know what else to say to him, so she gives him one of her best smiles, not one that reached her eyes, but that brought out the half dimple on her left cheeks.

"I hope you were in good hands yesterday. From Daniel, I've heard a lot of good things about you... and your portfolio didn't disappoint either."

Good hands. My foot.

Glancing at Daniel, who has taken a seat amongst many beautiful girls, models she assumes, she clears her throat and continues.

"Thank you, that means a lot Mr. Keller. Hope my work wouldn't disappoint."

"I hope so too." He turns to retreat, but says to her, "since it's your first day, usually induction training takes place. But two of our photographers are out sick, so would you mind taking on one of their tasks? This way, I can see your work as well."

"Yes of course, no problem." Happy that she got her first task for the day, new determination filling up, she follows the route Mr. Keller takes and ends up in a studio where the set is ready for a shoot.

"The model will be out soon, and you can just click away from there on" Its Mr. Keller who speaks, as Elliot takes in her surrounding. "Good luck."

Muttering her thank you, Elliot takes a stand at the side, observing the different people working on lights and the settings. Everyone of them adorns sophisticated clothes, ranging from jumpsuits to pencil skirts and Elliot meekly takes in her blue  jeans, and the black sweater that has been haphazardly tucked into it. Her black vans didn't do much to improve her outfit as models in 6 inch heels breezes passed by her. Self conscious, she takes a mental note of going shopping as soon as she lands  her first paycheck.

"Well well well"

At the familiar sound, she lifts her gaze up from her camera, and all sorts of profanities leave her mouth as she realizes that the model she is to shoot with is non other than Daniel Greene.

Daniel effing Greene.


Elliot's outfit.

Elliot's outfit

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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