Umaru and the Promise

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My little sister, Umaru, is renowned for her grace and beauty.

She is a normal teenager. By normal I mean downright gorgeous (or so I've heard...)

She's smart, flawless and kind. The most perfect high school girl anyone could imagine!

Well... at least... that's what everyone seems to think...

"Boy, work was rough today..." says Umaru's dependable, kind, helpful older brother (you've guessed it) Taihei Doma.

Taihei was at the front door, removing his keys from the tiny slot on the apartment door.

He opens the door to see... his little sister, Umaru.... who's in her lazy form...lying on the floor with a bag of her signature snack, (you've guessed it again!) potato chips

"Hey! Umaru!! The apartment is a mess!!!" Taihei yelled.

Umaru flinched and slowly turned to face her brother, wearing a guilty expression on her face.

"U-Uh.. Oniichan..! W-Welcome home..!" said Umaru, in the most fakest tone

"Don't you "Welcome Home" me! You promised to clean the apartment as soon as you got home from school!"

"I-I did..?" Umaru looked puzzled.

"Yes Umaru! You did! Does this ring a bell!"

Taihei pulled out a half-drinken Cola bottle.

"Remember? I took this away from you this morning when you were drinking Cola before breakfast! Then I told you to clean the mess you made in the morning before going to school! Then you promised me that you would clean your mess as soon as you got home!"

Umaru was spaced out, trying to remember the "promise" she made.

"Oh..right..." she concluded.

Then Taihei let out a sigh. He approached Umaru and handed her the Cola bottle.

"Here, you can have it now" he said, "But Umaru... next time.. please clean the apartment when I ask you to. I'll clean it now, but remember your lesson"

Umaru's face burst into a smile.

"Really Oniichan??!! Thanks!!!"

Taihei let out a grin,

"Just remember Umaru, this won't happen all the time, alright?"


A few hours past and Taihei was bringing dinner.

"WOW!!! A STEAK!! YAAASSS!!!" cried Umaru as she ran up to the dinner table.

"I'm glad to see that your enthusiastic" said Taihei

They both sat down and started eating.

"So, how was your day at school Umaru?" asked Taihei

"Huh? Oh well, it was okay I guess..." said Umaru, with a bored expression.

"Oh, alright then... did anything in particular happen today?"

"Well, nothing much... OH YEAH! Today I was with Ebina-chan, Kirie-chan and Sylypin-san!!! We had a lot of fun walking home together when we were coming back from school!!"

Taihei let out a small laugh.

"Huh? Oniichan? What's so funny?" asked Umaru.

Taihei stopped laughing and smiled at his little sister.

"Oh nothing, I'm just glad that you're with your friends and that you're happy Umaru" said Taihei.

"Oh... well.. what happened at work Oniichan?"

Huh? It's rare for Umaru to be asking about my day...
Taihei thought

"Well, I was working on a new software update, and I was having lunch with Bomba and Alex... and.. well that's about it.. I mean.. work is usually boring stuff so it's nothing special"

"Oh.. well I'm glad that your happy too Oniichan!!!" said Umaru with a big smile.

Taihei gave her a smile too

"Well, you wouldn't want your dinner to get cold, eat up Umaru"

"Okay Oniichan! Oh! Oniichan? Can I play some video games after?"

"Hmm... Fine, as long as you won't play for too long"

"Okay! Thanks Oniichan!!!"

Then they continued to eat.

When they were done, Umaru started playing games while Taihei washed the dishes.

As Taihei was placing a plate on the drying rack, he turned to Umaru and smiled.

Yep that's my little sister alright. Though she may be a lazy slob...

She's still my little himouto.. and come on, I gotta love her!



Umaru-chan, again, wore the same guilty expression

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