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Hearing his name in the classroom alone made you nervous. He was so special to you, he was precious. You would do anything for him, anything. All you wanted was him and him only.

You had only noticed him the second day of school during pe, but little did you know, he sat beside you in English. Instantly finding that out made your heart skip a beat during that class. Always making you nervous to just step in and once you did the first thing you did was look at him. Not the warm up on the board, or the work that was due today, you looked at him before anything.

You don't know what made you fall for him. Was it his smile or his laugh? Was it the way his eyes looked? Or maybe his hair? Whatever it was, got you completely hooked on him. He was your dream man.

Oh how much you wanted to go up to him and give him a hug or something much more. He didn't know you whatsoever, but you knew him, and that's all that matters.

Namjoon has not noticed you for anything, he probably doesn't even know you're first name. He never saw you around at school before and you haven't seen him either.

The teacher called you up,  pulling you out of you're thoughts.

"Go up and give facts about yourself to the whole class."
That was the only thing going through your mind, you had to give elven facts about yourself and you had prepared what you were going to say. All of that went out the window.

Next thing you know your hands are shaking uncontrollably and so is your voice.

Is it really that hard to control myself around him? Do I love him that much?

You have 3 facts left and you're completely oblivious of what the fuck to say. Somehow you got the rest done and sat back down at your desk, hands still shaking. Next up was Namjoon.

He got three facts to say about himself and you payed so much attention that you remember them really well.

        I have a dog and cat that are best buddies.

I went to Taiwan over the summer.

And I really like to play video games.

You remember every single detail. You got to look at his beautiful eyes and how they sparkle in the light.

Once class ended, you asked your friends if they could see your hands shaking and they said yes. You couldn't control yourself in front of Namjoon, you probably just embarrassed yourself in front of him too, damnit y/n.

To be honest, out of all the guys you have liked in past years, no one can compare to Namjoon. He gives you feelings you can't explain to him. He makes your hand shake, heart skip beats, you get incredibly nervous in front of him. No one has ever given you feelings like this, except Namjoon.

~~~~time skip~~~~
Finally it was break time, you needed to tell your friends this, you couldn't hold it in anymore. You wanted somebody to rant to about how beautiful he was, how he was your dream, your everything.

"So I like someone."
You were kind of embarrassed to tell them.


"His name starts with an N."

You slowly shook your head. They were shocked to know you had feelings for him.

"For real, like doesn't he have a certain type?"
She was right, he did have a certain type, you didn't know what it was, but you knew for sure it wasn't you. Break ended and you all had to go back to class.

You saw Namjoon on your way there and your heart skipped a beat, how could a man be so beautiful, so charming? Class was boring, you never payed attention in it because it was just too easy. It ended and it was time for pe at the end of the day, Namjoon was there, fuck.

You quickly got changed and ran outside. To be honest, Namjoon made you put more effort in everything because you didn't want to seem stupid or slow at things.

You looked at him and he turned to see you, your face turned completely red, but he didn't see it because you moved quick enough. Goddamn was he hot.

The day finally ended and all you could keep your eyes on was Namjoon and only Namjoon. He never really noticed you, I mean he didn't even know me for sure. Or has he noticed me, but just doesn't like me?

This is gonna be the beginning of the book, I hope you guys enjoyed. Don't worry Unknown Love is still going to be undated, just having writers block and got inspiration for this story and here we are.

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