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Going home was kind of disappointing, you didn't get to see Namjoon anymore. You tried looking for his social media to no avail.

~~~~The next day~~~~
You hated going to school, but it was the only way you could see Namjoon. You got up out of bed and picked out a good outfit, you don't want Namjoon to see you looking like shit.

Once you made it school, you always looked for Namjoon. To be honest, just looking at him made you feel so protected like never before. Your feelings were so strong, so undeniable. Of course you knew he would never feel the same way you do.

"Y/n, are you looking at him again?"

You said with your head down. You felt like your friends were secretly judging you, not because you look at him. But because you feel like they will never understand your feelings for him, how strong and unbearable they are. How sometimes you cry yourself to sleep knowing that he'll never feel the same way, that you can never have him.

The bell rang, disturbing you from your thoughts.

~~~~Really big time skip~~~~

It was time for 7th period, advisory, basically a class where you can talk to your friends and do homework.

"Do you like anybody?"
You just met Suho this year and he was a really sweet guy.

He asked that out of the blue, that question shocked you.

"Why do you ask?"

"I just want to know."
Damnit, you wanted to tell him and rant about how perfect Namjoon was, but he would tell anyone, maybe even him.

"Yeah, I do to be honest."

"Who, who, and who?"
Should I tell him or should I not?

"Fine his name starts with an N."
Suho began to guess names left and right, none of them being correct whatsoever.

"I have a picture of him, here."
You gave in, one of your strongest weaknesses. Damnit y/n, what are you doing to yourself?!

"Wait, he's my best friend. You like him?"
You nodded your head slowly, he didn't really looked shocked, which surprised you. Your friends were, but he wasn't. The period ended then and there, one more class and it was the end of the day.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~
You finally came home after hell, happy to be done with it. Right when you say down, Suho texted you. Damnit.

Do you actually like Namjoon?

Yes, definitely, but you weren't going to tell him that for sure, at least not this time.

You never responded with a solid yes or no, maybe that was enough to keep to himself. Or was it?

Even though hours have passed, you couldn't help but think he might have told Namjoon. You picked up your phone, unlocked it and decided to text him.

Did you tell Namjoon about what I said?

You waited for a couple minutes, until Suho responded.

I only told him that someone liked him, but he didn't believe me.

It kind of hurt you to know that Namjoon didn't believe that someone liked him, did the really not like himself?

You weren't mad, but in shock. You decide to take matters into your own hands. You asked Suho for Namjoon's Instagram. He gave it to you, perfect. Now you followed him and went into his dm's. This was so different of you, you're normally quiet and shy, but now this?

They do say love makes you do crazy things, right?

You got to texting Namjoon;

I know Suho told you someone likes you and that someone is me because you didn't believe him. Now that you know this, I don't want it to be weird between us in class.

Was this worth it? Did you do the right thing? You didn't care, all you cared about was Namjoon. You turned on your notifications to see when Namjoon replied back. You decide to take a shower to calm yourself down after the probably, horrible decision you just made.

After your shower he still hadn't replied back, not even looked at it to be exact. This made you even more nervous, him not responding made you more nervous than him actually saying something.

Homework time. You procrastinate on everything, but to get your mind off things, you wanted to do it.

He responded. Your heart skipped a beat when you got the notification, it didn't just skit a beat, it dropped. You went back and fourth on whether you should open it right now or not. You didn't want to seem desperate.

You opened it. Fuck me.
He responded with Ok, I'll keep it a secret.
You sighed in relief, knowing he wouldn't tell anyone else. Him just texting you that short sentence, gave you so much comfort. You just knowing he was there on the other side.

You hadn't realized this yet, but you love him.

There's that, I want to update again cause I have huge plans for this book. 💜
I'm exposing myself so much right now🤦‍♂️

Think about that last sentence.

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