This Isn't Goodbye Part 1

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Tessa's POV:

"Warren" I whine dragging out the 'en'. We have been walking up freaking hill for hours.

"Oh stop your complaining," Lexa says smacking me up side the head.


"No I agree with her. Is this entire state up hill?" Murphy says. We have been walking in the back together. He's not so bad once his tantrums are over.

"According to this map, we're in the Black Hills of South Dakota," Warren says. looking down at the map in her hands.

" I miss the damn truck," I whine. Then receiving another smack to the back of my head by Lexa.

"Can you stop that?" I said rubbing my head.

"Can you stop whining?"

"I don't know can I?" I banter back.

"Will you two shut the hell up your giving the old man a head ache," Doc says. We nod and shut up.

"At least we're out of at damn horde," Warren says.

"There's nothing to kill out here," 10K whines. I blame the all the whining on Warren. She is making us walk. She should be expecting it. Right?

"That is fine by me," Warren says and Tessa, 10K, and I all groan.

"He's right we're bored," Lexa says holding 10K hand.

"She's right and when I'm bored I get stabby," 10K and Cassie give me a worried look, but I just smile sweetly.

"We're gonna need to find a place to make camp soon. My dogs are getting tired," Doc says slowing to a stop and the rest follow.

Warren looks at the map and looks up the the rest of us and say, "Well there's supposed to be a little town nearby called Edgemont. I'll take a compass reading at the next ridge up here." Warren starts walking again and we all groan.

"Can't we just take a break," Doc says.

"A quick one," Warren sighs

I immediately lay down on the ground. Lexa follows and lays next to me.

"You ok?"

''I'm fine." I say looking at her.

"No you're not. I know you miss Addy,"

As soon as she said her name I felt like crying. I've been holding all of this emotion in. I want to believe that she is ok ,and she's safe. But this is the fucking apocalypse. I miss her I really do. I miss her so much that it hurts. It feels like I'm being punched in the gut over and over again.

"I really miss her," I whisper. Lexa gave me a sad look and grabbed my hand.

"She's strong we both know this. And we both know that she is ok." I nod at her, and we sit in silence.

"Lexa Tessa! Come look at this!" 10K yells. He has a huge smile on his face so this must be good. We get up and walk to the others. I laugh when I see what 10K was talking about.

"Is that Mountain Rushmore?" Lexa asked.

"Yes Lexa. You may have failed all three years of history, but come on. You should know what Mount. Rushmore looks like," I say rolling my eyes. She gives me a hard glare.

"I know what Mount. Rushmore looks like. I'm looking right at it. Even though some jackass spray painted it," She says sassily.

She right. . . well about the giant spray painted rock. But I still don't think she knows the first thing about Mount. Rushmore.

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