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"Okay you have everything right?"My mom asked.

"Yes mom."I whispered.

"Okay, hope you get everything straightened out."She smiled pushing me out of the door way and quickly closeing it behind me as if I were going to kill them I stayed.

I shoved my bangs out of my face. My hazel eyes searched my front yard. I just wanted everything I remembered to sink in before it was gone.

I sighed and walked to my car. I put my lugage in the passanger seat and slammed the door. Walking around to the drivers side, I waved to my neighbor. I never really liked her. She always would make me feel uncomfortable with her stareing. I know me being kinda depressed, excuse me, as my parents say "crazy" is weird.

I got in my car and drove to the airport. There I sat waiting for my flight. Boy's kept looking at me. Was I that ugly? I shook it off.

"Flight 16 to london boarding now."I heard a woman say over the loudspeaker.

I got up and boarded. I sat next to the window and looked out. The voices in my spoke to me. Andrea, was the main voice in my head. She always spoke to me.

"Hey wouldn't it be crazy if you jumped out."she whispered in my head.

"No andrea."I said softly but outload. No one heard me but they knew I had said something.

I sat there looking out the window. The clouds started to form into people.

When the plane landed, I stepped off. I walked to the limo and sat down. My lugage was already in the back with me.

"Welcome to london."I heard a voice.

I shook it of. I tried not to listen to voices but andrea was an exception.

We pulled up in the driveway and there was a four story house. A huge white house with gold trim. About five limo's out front. Everything was guarded by a gold gate.

"Ahhh lilly."My uncle said walking out with a glass of scotch in his hand.

"Hello uncle."I whispered.

"Let's go eat."he smiled shoving me along to the house.

I sat at the other end of the long table. A salad was infront of me. Thank god he remembered that I am vegan.

"So how's everything, you know, mentally."He asked awkwardly.

"I'm fine."I said loud enough for him to hear me.

"Well I have buisness to attend to."He said dropping the green cloth napkin on the table.

He left the room and said no more. I never questioned it.

I was taken by a maid to the top floor. I entered my pink and black room I had been so familiar with.

"Thank you maria."I said.

She walked out letting me run around my room. How I had missed this room. My wardrobe was still there. My laptop still where I left it. My big bathroom, with my shower stuff still left. My balconey still had the hot tub on there. The view of the garden and the huge pool was still beautiful. My cellphone storage was still there. I had almost every Apple phone ever made.

I finally just layed down on my bed. I looked up at the flat screen hanging from the cealing. I loved how everything wasn't touched. Just dusted, and cleaned.

"Anything you want?" I heard maria say from the door.

"Umm maria can you call my rich friends over?"I asked.

"As you wish. I will call them, and make your sleepover room to your likeing."She smiled.

"Thank you maria."I said.

Maria turned around and went to walk out.

"Wait maria."I said.

"Yes miss."she smiled.

"Can you please set up my private pool to my likeing?"I asked.

"Yes miss."She said walking out.

I knew I acted like a spoiled brat, but they got payed very good money for it.

Soon Claire, meghan, and jennifer, walked in.

"Hey girl hows a hangin!"They smiled.

"Hey, so maria is going to call us when our pool is set up."I smiled.

They nodded and went to the sleepover room. They got their swim suit out of their personal wardrobes I had uncle richard have put in for them.

We all dressed in them and just in time, maria called us.

"Your pool is ready miss."She spoke through the phone on my wall.

"Thank you maria."I said.

We took my personal elevator down to the backyard. We walked through the garden and went to the pool. There waiting was of course adam. He was my boyfriend when I was at uncle richards house.

"Hey babe."he said kissing my cheek.

"What if you killed him."I heard andrea say.

"No andrea."I thought back.

We sat by the pool and texted people. We stayed out until it was dark and then we went back up.

"So we should go to bed."I said getting in to my Pj's.

We all went to our beds and fell asleep. This was going to be a long month or maybe two.

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