At the concert

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Lorraine was so thrilled that she was in the same place as Michael was. The DJs were playing plenty of upbeat songs to get people excited in the stadium. The weather was breezy, warm and just beautiful. The sun was brightly shining in the blue sky. Although she had not seen him yet, just the thought that he could come out any minute gave her chills. Her friend Sam smiled and asked: "Are you excited to see Michael, Lorraine?" Happily Lorraine said: "Of course I am. I love Michael so much and this is my dream!" She was finally going to see the man that she loved and admired so much.

All of a sudden the music the DJs were playing in the venue stopped. Lorraine knew that this was it. Michael was getting ready to make his arrival on stage. The people in the venue went crazy as the jumbo video screens showed a compilation of videos of Michael dancing and singing throughout his career. The compilation included some of his most iconic moments and videos. As they showed Michael moonwalking during Motown 25 the crowd began screaming loudly.  Lorraine couldn't imagine what it would be like to actually see Michael do the moonwalk in front of her. Even though the concert had not yet started Lorraine already had goosebumps. And after the last video of Michael ended, the jumbo screens went pitch black for a couple seconds.

The energy of the crowd  died down slightly. Everyone in the venue knew something magical was in the air. It seems like everyone knew something big was about to happen.You could just feel it! Then all of a sudden. 1.2.3... BOOM! Sparkles ignited the stage as Michael jumped out from underneath it. The crowd lost it. People began screaming and jumping up and down. It was pure bliss for Lorraine! Lorraine knew tonight was going to be a special night, but if only she knew how special it was really going to be!

Lorraine' s Point of View

When I first laid eyes on Michael I could not believe that the man who was plastered all over my bedroom walls, the man who I spent hours and hours listening to everyday was finally standing in front of me. As I looked at him I was speechless. Everyone around me was going crazy. I looked at him and noticed all the details about him. He wore black aviator glasses, a shiny golden and black military outfit and black loafers. He also had long black curls . He looked wonderful and handsome in person. Better than how he looked like on my posters!

He stood in the middle of the stage. He was incredibly still, like a statue despite all the hysteria that was surrounding him. "How amazing!" I thought to myself. Then all the sudden he raised his arms to touch his glasses. Slowly and carefully he removed his glasses. And then BOOM! He aggressively threw his glasses away and this cued the start of the song Jam. His expressions instantly showed fierceness and pure passion. This serene man that I had witnessed seconds earlier transformed into an angry mover. He was aggressively singing and dancing to the song and the crowd was loving it. So was I.

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