Chapter 8

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*one week later*

Hannah POV

I've been at Emma's for a week now she's NOT okay but me and Ellie are doing are best to comfort her. Let me explain what's happening, cause I'm sure your lost.

• Emma believes Ethan is ignoring her because he hasn't texted her for a week so she believes she took things to fast.

• Last time they talked it ended by Ethan saying something urgent happened so there for ending plans with Emma (and me).

• And finally Emma hasn't been able to do anything. She's so upset. She won't even post to Instagram, or try making/editing a video.

Fuck Ethan Dolan

"Emma" I say as my 100th attempt to cheer her up. "Yeah" Emma said with a huge frown on her face. "Let's do something!" I say excited. "Yeah you cant be upset forever!" Ellie says agreeing with me. After that Emma snapped saying, " YOU BE IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! Are you getting tons of hate after every video, instagram post, or tweet?!?! Do you feel worthless or used? No I don't think you do! I don't want to have fun I want to stay home by myself. Ask Olivia or someone to hangout." We just sat in silence for like 15 minutes. Emma broke the silence apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm just really frustrated I shouldn't have taken it out on you guys." Ellie and I forgave her. We embraced each other into a hug.

Emma: girdies on three, One, Two, Three, GIRDIES!

We all laughed and enjoyed the rest of our night.

Emma POV


Me Hannah and Ellie are just watching Netflix, until my just exploded with notifications from Instagram. I checked one of them to see what's up. And-

"WHAT THE FUCK" I say more pissed / upset then ever.

"Hey brb I have some confronting to do I hope you don't mind just invite Olivia over or something" I don't even wait for there response I just left. I enter my car and go to The twins house. When I arrived I knocked at the door to see Ethan. I tried to be strong but I couldn't, I just couldn't. I showed him my phone it was a video of him kissing someone else. Ethan looked into my bright red, and puffy eyes Saying "why are you so upset about this?". "Why am I so upset? Ethan look at this" pointing to my hickey on my neck. " friends don't do that! Ethan I liked you and you said you liked me too! You ghosted me for a week! I was sobbing my eyes out thinking I'm not good enough, but I always had the will power to say it's just in my head, but turns out it wasn't..."

Ethan POV


" But turns out it wasn't..." Emma just stared at me hurt.

I fucked up.

I shouldn't be aloud to live.

I'm a monster.

"Your right Emma I'm a fucking failure! I should've taken my life long ago. I just hurt people anyways. I'm a fucking disgrace"

"Ethan! Don't think that! Please don't I don't need this right now! I need you E, I need you!" Emma said with tears going down her face.

"Why Emma why shouldn't I? Im not doing anything but hurting you"

"Ethan I love you that's why"

Emma just went and jumped into my arms and kissed, we kissed for so long. I took her into my room and just kept on kissing her. She tugged at my shirt insinuating to take it off. So I did and she took hers off.

(I think you can guess what happened next)


And that's the tea sis☕️🐸

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