Toph: The Last Airbender

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A/N: I'm going straight to the swamp because it's easier for me since Aang is going to be the selfish AMAZING blind earthbending teacher who leaves his over protective parents to go teach the avatar earthbending. Also Sokka is the fatherly waterbending sibling and Katara is going to be the 'funny', sarcastic, but still has their mothers necklace, hunting, meat- ok just the female version of Sokka with their moms necklace.

Toph's pov

we were taken down by a mysteriest tornado and were stuck in the swamp since we can't find Appa or Momo and i'm starting to get worried their all I have left of my old life.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Katara yelled slicing her machete back and forth.

"Katara I don't think it's a good idea to be doing that" I said.

"Toph's right Katara maybe it's a good if you stopped I don't know what it is but something about this place seems, alive" Sokka stated.

"i'm sure theres alot of things alive here and I don't want to end up getting eatten by one, we just need to find Appa as fast as we can!" She said.


"Katara the longer were here the more i don't think you should be doing that" I stated.

"Look, I asked the swamp and it said it was ok, right swamp?" Katara asked. "No problem Katara" she said in a high pitch voice. I just glarred at her as she cut the twig.


we were all sleeping back-to-back when we were dragged away by something.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" we screamed as we disapeared in to the night.


Katara's pov

I cut the vines with my matchete and ran yelling Toph's and Sokka's name at the top of my lungs. When I saw something it looked like a person but I didn't get much sleep last night since we were dragged away from each other. So I could be seeing things. But I still ran towards it. "Mom?" I questioned. "MOM!" I said as I ran towards the figure with tears rushing down my face. I turned it around but it was just a mind was playing tricks on me again I started to cry my eyes out.


Sokka's pov

I cut the vines with my waterbending and sprinted away from them. I ran until I was out of breath and stopped to see a girl a little bit away from me "yue? No my minds playing with me again..... it's just the light I've been in this swamp to long." I convinced myself. I looked back to make sure. She wasn't there. I turned back around to see Yue staring back at me "AHHHHH!!!!" I yelled as I fell back on my butt.


Toph's pov

I airbended the vines off me long enough to get away. I ran as fast as I could but stopped at the sound of laughter. I saw a boy dressed in fancy white robes with a flying boar beside him. He bolted. I ran after him curious of were he was going. I kept chasing him until I crashed into Sokka.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"we screamed.


"I thought I saw Yue...." Sokka said facing the ground.

"oh" Katara calmed down. " I thought I saw mom....." Sokka looked up at her.

"I saw some boy he looked about my age" I said getting up.

"A boy?" Sokka asked.

"yeah he was wearing some fancy clothes" I said.

A/N: Thats as far as I've gotten because we all know how it ends.

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