💀Wounded heart🌹

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After seeing master cross i told him that i look after the boy as i clean his wounds we make it to my room as i place him in my bed as i cheek on (D/N) still sleeping as i put a sound bubble around her also mr cross will come and cheek. As i back in my room i cheek my clock 4.30 AM as i walk towards the window i see the gang coming back to the night dorm wounded with burnts and yuki running to their aid with Zero "Mummy dont go!" I look towards the boy who was moving in his sleep as i walk over to him "its okay now, your safe shhhh." As comfort him he slowly quite him down.

After everyone was planning stuff aready waiting for the next attatck that could happen here, i worried that we may not be able to protect are school and the day class student's will have to go home for their own safey. I couldnt no! I wouldn't let them dead because some heartless vampires on for their bloodlust.....

Senri where are you as i sit next to the sleeping boy thinking and thinking for ways to find who they are.. It was 10am already and the gang have not gone to their rooms. The boy started to wake up in pain from the cuts and burns on his skin "slowly there buddy your hurt pretty bad" the boy open his eyes scared. Tear sowly forming "mum! Mummy!" The boy cries i got the first aid kit from under my bed "shhh hun its okay now your safe. Let me see you wounds" the boy run in to my arms crying calling for his mother.

Picking him up and rocking him calming him down as he cries in my shoulder and hands hold tight on my top "you okay i wouldn't let nothing happen to you" i said boy stops hes head still in my top hidding from what knows what maybe me....

Later that day the boy got to know evey one there he mustly stay by (D/N) side playing together with her toys in the sitting area making her giggle 24/7. Just got to love kids haha i thought to my self as i was reading with senri and Rima who was talking.

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