Well... I met him when I moved in with my grandpa. Believe it or not, we met in something called choices. It's where people who have illegal, harmful, and suspicious things or who curse, fight and steal. I had blades and a joint. I was put in there the second week, and was in there for 4 days.
The first day I was alone in there, the second there was two other people, and the third and fourth there was three. He was there the last three days. I tried ignoring him. Not talking to him. Not looking at him. Not even standing or walking near him. When we would have to get lunch or leave the room (actually it was a portable thingy) I would walk super fast to get away from any contact with him. I would wear my jacket and try to block him from my view. I don't know why but I really tried not to have any contact with him.
But I couldn't help it. He would walk faster to try to talk to me. He would ask me for my plate when I was done. He would ask for help on work and the teacher would tell me to help. I didn't know how to do something so he helped me. He kept giving me notes. He kept asking questions. He kept smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. Or smile first. I couldn't stop myself....
I liked him from the very beginning and I think that's why I tried so hard to avoid him. I was afraid. I was afraid that he would just talk to me for a few days then be done. I was afraid I would fall for him and he'd leave. I was afraid he would just forget about me when school started again. I was afraid of being hurt.... I was afraid of him being an ass hole like everyone else.
Instead he talked to me every day. He always said good morning and goodnight. He was very open with his feelings. At first I was scared that he would say he doesn't like me but instead he said he loves me. He always called me baby and babe. It was different than any other relationship really... Even our first kiss. He would always kiss me on the cheek because I'd walk super fast like I was in a rush. Mean right? I was always mean but at the same time I was just teasing haha. I couldn't help it, it was like an instinct really. Then one day he got tired of it or something and as I was walking away he grabbed my arm, pulled me back to him in his arms, and kissed me. Like in movies... It was wonderful. Probably the best kiss I've ever had. That might just be because I love him, but still. After that I walked a little slower, not much but a little. I didn't even mind kissing him around people at school, in the hallways, at lunch, or in the court yard. I kissed him every day and he always kissed me back, when I was leaving if I kissed him he kissed back. He had to have the last kiss haha. I liked that about him. I liked everything about him....
He helped me a lot. Probably the most actually. I mean yea friends did, but with him it was different... With friends it was like I don't want to disappoint them. With him it was I don't want to hurt him or make him more worried about me than he already is.... Any time I would say "it's nothing" or "it doesn't matter" he would tell me how much he loves me and that I can tell him anything, he's always there for me.... Which was true. Any time I'd text or call he'd answer. He was always there. Always.... Especially at school. He walked me to every class, even if that made him late. Which was only when I walked slow shockingly.
During this whole time my mom was in jail and he was always there. He helped me when I was sad about it or angry. He made me forget about it sometimes, which I loved about him. He could easily get me distracted and 3 hours later I realize how long it's been. He was like a getaway.
Except sometimes it just wasn't enough. It wasn't that he couldn't help either, I just wouldn't let him. I wouldn't tell him what's wrong till the damage is done. I wouldn't tell him what I did. Sometimes I didn't even tell him what was wrong because I was afraid he would fix it then it would happen again. If that makes any sense.... I rarely did that though. I told him everything. Everything that he asked about and everything that we both shared. When he asked a question he'd also answer it. When I asked a question I'd answer it as well. We had no secrets....