Chapter 23

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'1863- On an island'

The next day

Captain Kol had just sent his crew to go and have a wash in the lake on the island and then go and collect some logs for the fire. The Princess was beginning to stir and Kol smiled "morning sleeping beauty" he said as she opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing her eyes "morning" she replied with a small smile on her face. Kol kneeled down in front of her and kissed her on the lips causing Davina to shyly pull away as she cringed because she had morning breath and she didn't want him to be grossed out by it "I have morning breath so no kissing until later" she said Kol shrugged "baby girl I don't care if you have morning breath we all have it besides your morning breath doesn't smell that bad" he remarked making her blush "oh I see" she said looking down feeling very insecure all of a sudden. Kol gently took her hand and pulled her up "don't go all shy on me now love" he said with a grin before planting a kiss on her lips which she happily returned this time. She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with the small strands of hair on the back of his neck which brought a soft smile to his face as he deepened the kiss and pulled her close to him. The two were in complete utter bliss with each other and were slowly falling in love not that they'd actually admit it to themselves or each other in that moment, they were both way too stubborn to do such a thing. Kol pulled back with a smile on his face "do we have anything to eat? I'm starving" Davina asked "well luckily for you I had woke up a bit earlier and ventured out into the jungle to get some food. I got plenty of mangoes and coconuts" Kol replied "I like mangoes" she said Kol walked over to his satchel and picked it up and pulled out a mango and tossed it to Davina. "Thanks" she said as she pulled out a small sharp knife and started to cut the mango "where did you get that knife from?" Kol asked with a small frown as he wasn't aware she had a knife on her "home. I've had this knife with me since I was brought on the ship" Davina explained "I see you snuck a knife onto my ship? You sneaky girl" he retorted "am I in trouble?" she asked and Kol shook his head "no but it does make me wonder" he replied "make you wonder what?" she asked looking at him curiously before popping a small piece of mango in her mouth. "Why you haven't stabbed me with it if you've had it all this time" Kol explained "why would I stab you?" she questioned "because I took you from your home and I was a bit of a dick towards you when you first came on the ship" he replied "true you did take me from my home and you were a major dick to me but I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you with it nor did it ever cross my mind to do so" Davina replied Kol smiled and gently brought her close to him and looked her in the eyes. Davina popped a piece of mango in his mouth which he quickly ate before pressing his lips against hers.


'In Norway'

Mikael was pacing around in his office angrily clenching his fists and scowling as he stomped around. The door of his office suddenly swung open and his wife Esther was thrown inside by two guards "found her sir. She attempted to flea to her sisters" said one of the guards "thank you now go away so I can speak to my wife privately" Mikael replied through gritted teeth needless to say he wasn't happy by any means. The guards quickly left the room as Esther got up on her feet and glared at her husband who glared right back at her. "How could you?" he asked as he cracked his knuckles "could you be more specific I don't know what you're talking about" Esther remarked with her head held high and Mikael slammed his hands down on the table "don't act stupid woman! You know what I'm talking about. How could you betray me and sleep with my enemy? Ansel has been my enemy for thirty five years the scoundrel and his family made a fool of my father and grandfather and they had my mother disgraced and executed yet you slept with him and what's worse is you bared his child and made me believe the child was mine!" Mikael yelled he was beyond furious at what Esther had done to him. He loved Esther more than anything and he was devastated and outraged that she had slept with his enemy and got pregnant with his child and made him believe the child was his. He was disgusted and betrayed by what Esther had done but he was more disgusted by the fact he had been raising his enemies son for the past 26 years. 

"Well are you going to explain to me why you did this to me? Say something you whore!" Mikael demanded frustrated as Esther refused to answer him "I didn't mean for it to happen but you were away at sea with your brother and I was alone with Freya and Elijah. I was lonely and  Ansel was there he was good and kind to me and for a brief moment I fell in love but once I had slept with him I regretted it knowing I had betrayed you and I was so scared of you finding out because I love you" Esther explained her eyes not moving from his she was determined to be confident and not let him intimidate her. Mikael glared at her "you made him raise Niklaus knowing he wasn't my son. That's the worst part of all this, allowing me to raise Ansel's son knowing it would destroy me if I found out and to think I had a son of my own flesh and blood three years later but you made me abandon him and throw him out on the streets!" Mikael yelled he was beyond angry and guilty knowing he had thrown out his own son but kept a boy who turned out to not be his. "You had to get rid of Kol after all he wasn't my son. I did not carry him or give birth to him. it was that slut Gretel who had carried him and birthed him after you had an affair with her!" Esther yelled angry he was trying to make her out to be a bad person when he was just as bad. They had both sinned and were unfaithful she slept with his enemy and he slept with a rich mans daughter. "Don't speak of Gretel. You have no right to speak of her!" Mikael yelled his right eye lid began to twitch from how angry he was that she had dared to mention the woman he had fallen in love with after Niklaus had been born. "Still a sore subject for you is she?! That woman tore us apart you were besotted with her!" Esther yelled "I loved her! She was graceful, beautiful and smart, she reminded me of the man I could be and we were torn apart way before Gretel came in to the picture!" he retorted Esther slapped him across the face she was consumed with rage by what he said. "I should've killed you the moment you told me to get rid of Kol but no I ignored the little voice in my head that said do it!" he yelled "that boy never belonged in this family. He would never be loved by me or his siblings I made sure of that when he returned!" she yelled Mikael violently smacked her across the face sending her to the floor. "He was my son, my flesh and blood and I loved him, I wanted him as did Gretel but you had him torn from her arms and you ruthlessly killed her!" Mikael bellowed "you were going to leave us and our children for her and that boy! I couldn't let that happen you were my husband and the father of my children. I wasn't going to let you walk away from us for them!" Esther yelled as she stood up "I wasn't going to leave Freya and Elijah with you. Oh no I was planning on taking them with me and leaving Niklaus with you seeing as I never bonded or cared for the boy!" Mikael snapped Esther glared at him with hate in her eyes "I hate you!" she yelled "I hate you too! I want you gone so pack your thing and get out of my house and take Niklaus with you. No son of mine will stay under my house any longer!" he retorted Esther's heart broke "I won't leave, I love you" she said Mikael laughed bitterly "you just said you hated me. I won't fall for your act anymore I want you gone Esther, I'm calling for a divorce!" he yelled "I won't agree to the divorce!" she retorted "then I'll just have you executed and I'll let everyone know what you did!" he snapped Esther nodded "very well I'll leave. I hope you rot in hell!" she snarled before storming out the room leaving a fuming Mikael behind.

End of chapter. What did you think? Kol and Davina are beginning to fall in love. Mikael and Esther appeared. Mikael found out Klaus isn't his son and another shock surprise Kol isn't Esther's son. Both Esther and Mikael had affairs, Esther killed Kol's birth mother and forced Mikael to give him up and throw him out. What do you think of that? Will Kol found out? Will he tell Davina about his childhood? Will Davina tell Kol her secret? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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