Chapter 34

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Here's a new chapter, enjoy

One month later...

It had been a month since Kol rescued Davina from Tristan and killed him, ever since Davina has been regaining her strength and healing and trying to get back to normal but she still has nightmares about being back on Tristan's ship alone, cold and hungry. Kol has been keeping an extra eye on her to make sure she's alright as he's concerned for her health and safety on the ship. He's constantly making sure she's safe at all times and he makes sure she's not over doing anything that could stress her out as he doesn't want her getting stressed. He wants to make sure she has a stress free and happy pregnancy despite what she endured while in Tristan's care.

Josh the guy that joined their crew has come out of his shell and is getting on with Enzo and Damon a little bit but he's closer and more relaxed around Davina. Josh and Davina have become very good friends and at first Kol was jealous of how close Josh and Davina had become but he trusted Davina and he knew she wouldn't betray him like that and he knew she didn't like Josh like that, she saw him as a friend and he knew he didn't have anything to fear as Josh told him straight that he's not interested in Davina because he's not into women as he likes men which instantly put Kol at ease knowing he wasn't out to steal his girl from him.

As of right now Davina was fast asleep while Kol was in the cooking room making soup for Davina for when she wakes up as he knew she would be hungry as ever since he had gotten Davina back in his life and on his ship, he learned that Davina was always hungry after a nap so he made sure that there would always be food ready for her when she woke up. 

Kol soon finished making the soup and poured it into a bowl and then got a glass of water for Davina knowing she likes to have water on the nightstand when she wakes up. He left the cooking room and headed up to their sleeping chambers but frowned in concern when he entered as he saw Davina tossing and turning in the bed with sweat covering her forehead and she was muttering under her breath. He quickly entered and quietly kicked the door shut before walking over to the bed and placing the hot bowl of soap and the glass of water on the night stand before sitting on the edge of the bed as he placed a hand on Davina's arm frowning as her skin was hot and flushed "darling wake up" he whispered gently shaking her "n-no d-don't. L-let m-me g-go" she stuttered tears streaming down her clammy face "Davina wake up" he said a little louder as he shook her once more successfully waking her up but her eyes were wide and frantic with panic as she scanned around the room breathing heavily before her eyes landed on Kol. "Kol" she whispered squinting her eyes a little "I'm here love. It was just a dream" he said gently cupping her face instantly making her calm down "it felt so real" she replied "what was it about?" he asked "I was back on Tristan's ship in the cellar. It was dark and I was tied up and he kept coming back to whip me all I could hear was him chuckling and the sound of his whip meeting my bare back followed by my own screams. It was awful" she explained Kol frowned "hey look at me love" he said she looked at him her eyes meeting his "it was just a nightmare, Tristan is dead, you're safe and I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you ever again" he said making Davina sigh "I know I just don't ever want to be in that situation ever again. I don't ever want to be apart from you" she replied making him smile "trust me darling it won't happen again. We stick together now and forever. You are mine and I am yours" he responded Davina leaned forward and pressed her lips against his "aren't you forgetting about someone?" she asked as she broke the kiss "of course not. How could I ever forget about our little prince or princess" he retorted placing a hand on her baby bump making her smile and giggle as she felt a tiny kick in her belly which made Kol go wide eyed and gasp in surprise "w-was that the baby? Did it just kick?" he asked glancing down at her bump "yes it was and it was a first. That's the first time it's kicked meaning I'm definitely around 4 months going on 5" Davina replied Kol sniffled and smiled at her "that's amazing" he said before quickly pressing his lips against hers making her smile. Kol soon pulled away with a chuckle when he heard her stomach growl "I made you some soup" he said grabbing the wooden tray and preparing it just above her stomach before placing the bowl of soup on it "thank you. It smells delicious" Davina replied as she picked up the spoon "it's my specialty, it's full of goodness for you and our baby there's no crap in it" he replied making her giggle and gently swat his shoulder "mind your language. The baby has ears you know" she said he chuckled and shrugged "it's fine one word like that won't cause any damage to our precious baby's developing ears" he replied she smiled and rolled her eyes before blowing some soup that she had on the spoon in her hand before putting it in her mouth and humming as the soup warmed her up "it's good. Thank you baby and I appreciate it" Davina said and gave him a kiss on the lips "good you eat up while I'll run you a bath" he replied getting to his feet "okay" she said as she ate some more of the soup and Kol went off to prepare her a bath.

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