Janis x reader

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My phone started ringing, the familiar sound of Green Day filling my room. I looked down at the screen, and smiled involuntarily when I saw Janis' contact picture on the screen. I answered the call, putting on a fake cheery voice when I did. "Hey babe!" I chirped, and I could immediately tell that Janis didn't buy it. "What's wrong? You never sound this happy." Janis said, and I let out a groan. "You got me. I've just had a super shitty day." I said, fiddling with the frayed ends of my sweater. "Ok, I am coming over in 10 minutes with ice cream and the best slash worst rom coms I own. Be prepared for cuddles." Janis said, ending the call. I smiled as I put my phone back on charge, glad that I had someone who loved me as much as Janis did. I made my way downstairs and put on an episode of Arrested Development while I waited for Janis. True to her word, the doorbell rung ten minutes into the episode and I knew it was Janis. I paused the TV and walked to the door, opening it to reveal my girlfriend. Her arms were laden with ice cream and DVDs, and I gave her a thankful look. "I'm gonna put all this shit down and I'll be right back." Janis said, pecking my cheek as she walked past me into the kitchen. In a few seconds Janis was back, and her arms wrapped around me. I leaned into her embrace, wrapping my arms around her torso. She pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head, and we just stayed there in each other's embrace for a minute or two.  "What happened?" Janis asked, breaking the comfortable silence. I tensed, and Janis clearly sensed it. She broke away from me and lead me to the couch, our hands intertwined. "For starters I'm super stressed with exams and assignments and all that shit. I know I'm smart enough, but I can never remember all the information. Do you know how many goddamn formulas I have to know for Calculus? The short answer is way too many." I ranted, and Janis let out a little laugh. "Y/N, if you're struggling with math you should've just gone to Cady. She's like hella smart." Janis said, and I sighed. "I know, but I have this weird thing where I can't seem to ask for help. I know I should, but it's just, ugh!" I said and Janis wrapped her free arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. "Babe, I love you and I will always be here for you, and so what if you flunk one math exam. It's one exam in your whole life." Janis said reassuringly, and I felt myself begin to relax. "Plus, Regina is being a bitch again. She lost her mind when she saw me wearing a pair of shoes that she owned, and that really threw me off. I don't know why people feel the need to be so ruthless about such tiny things." I said, and Janis didn't respond. I knew Regina was a touchy subject for her, and I felt a little sorry for mentioning Regina in the first place. "Y/N, look at me." Janis said, and I connected my eyes with her hazel ones. "Pay Regina no mind. She just does shit like that to feel better about herself. She's twisted, and you don't deserve to be on the receiving end of her abuse. No one does." Janis said, and I could hear the passion in her words. "Janis, I love you so much." I said, pulling her into a tight hug. A few tears escaped my eyes, staining Janis' intricately decorated jacket. "It's ok babe. I love you too." Janis said, rubbing my back soothingly. I rested my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of her perfume. "As much as I'd love to keep cuddling, that ice cream is going to melt soon and I didn't spend ten whole dollars on ice cream for it to turn into sludge." Janis said and I laughed, wiping away a stray tear. "Thank you for everything Janis. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said as Janis passed me a tub of cookie dough ice cream and a spoon. "Crash and burn probably, but that's fine by me. I have always been a bit of a pyromaniac." Janis said, winking exaggeratedly at me. I snorted with laughter, nearly spitting out my ice cream. "God, you are the best." I said, resting my head on Janis' shoulder. "That's what I'm here for, Y/L/N. Making you laugh and feel loved." Janis said, and I smiled brightly at her. "Well you're doing a pretty good job so far. Do you wanna keep watching Arrested Development, or one of your so-bad-it's-good rom-coms?" I asked, and Janis paused as she thought. "I'm always up for Arrested Development. Which episode?" Janis said, resting her free hand on my thigh. "I just started season 2 again, so episode 1." I said and Janis nodded, snatching the remote out of my hands and pressing play. "This episode has always been one of my favourites." Janis said, stuffing another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. I nodded, my eyes drifting from the screen to Janis' face. "Babe, you've, uh, got something on your chin." I said, gesturing to the chocolate ice cream. Janis chuckled and wiped it off, thanking me with a peck to the forehead. "I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. Never forget that." Janis whispered a few minutes after the episode started again. I glanced up at her and smirked before capturing her lips in a kiss. She tasted like the ice cream we'd just been eating and I felt the butterflies form in my stomach, even though we'd been dating for a few months. Her hands moved up slowly and settled on my waist, and I tangled my hands through her two-toned hair. We pulled apart, and I rested my forehead against hers. "Oh, trust me Janis Sarkisian. I intend to remember that as long as I live."

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