Chapter three

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Kacie's POV
I was confused to as why Hope started cry until I saw them. She looked at me with the biggest smile on her face. But before I could even say go she had already run in their direction honestly shes like a three year old. I started to walk towards her when she stopped dead in her tracks. She slowly started to fall back and I noticed their were looking in our direction. I managed to catch her before she hit her head on the concrete. They must have noticed as they were both running toward us. "No,no,no please no. Not again. Hope." Her nose started to bleed. I've noticed that has happened twice today. They came over and asked if we needed help. I couldn't help it but I started cry, "yes, please" I replied looking at them hopefully. The one with the birth mark on his cheek grabbed his phone and started to call someone. While the other crouched down next to me. He looked at me and said "may I" he looked at Hope and then back at me. "Of course" I replied as he took hope out of my arms and lifted her up bridal style then held out his hand to me. I took it and he helped me up. I said thank you as the other came walking other. "They aren't picking up" he said with a worried look on his face as he looked at Hope lying limp and peacefully in his brothers arms, "we'll take her then" the other one said as he started walking to his car.

 "They aren't picking up" he said with a worried look on his face as he looked at Hope lying limp and peacefully in his brothers arms, "we'll take her then" the other one said as he started walking to his car

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He laid her in the back seat and told me to sit next to her while his brother got into the passenger seat. He then closed the door and got into the drivers seat and told me it would be ok.
We made it to the hospital and Hope was still unconscious. I don't even know these boys and their helping me. We all got out and one of them picked hope up bridal style. We all started walking to the door. When we walk inside hope and one of the boys were instantly taking into help while me and the other stayed in the waiting room. I started to cry as I was so scared of losing my best friend. He hugged me and told me it would be ok. "I'm Ethan by the way." He said, "kacie" I replied.

Hope POV
I woke up somewhere strange. The walls were a baby blue and the ceiling was white. I was laying in some sort of bed. I heard voices telling me it was going to be ok but I still couldn't see or move. I felt a cold wind as everything went silent I had chills down my spine and all I could smell was a strange scent like sulphur. I tried opening my eyes but nothing happened. I then heard that voice again telling me he was in control and that he wouldn't leave until I was in pain. I faintly heard the door open and Kacie's quietly sobbing. I heard someone say I'll leave with their deep voice that I recognised. I then felt someone grab my hand and tell me they were here for me. I felt something cold again making me shiver inside. I then heard kacie mutter under her breath "no it can't be. can it. no. demon" I felt warmth return my body as the whispers left. I heard the door open once more making me jump.

Kacie's POV
I was lost in thought thinking about the demon until Hope jumped at the sound of the door. I then heard Ethan say "she's awake" I instantly looked at her watching her slowly starting to breathe again. Ethan and his brother sat down next to Hope watching her silently. I grabbed my phone and started to text my girls. Jess answered instantly, thanks for leaving us. I replied what did you expect hopes in the hospital. All three of them replied coming at same time. I then suddenly got a text from ellie ten minutes later, soo umm kace you know umm yeah umm which hospital we may of been to umm five already.... I replied the name of the hospital with a sigh. Five minutes later the girls get here ellie tells me she's sorry, emma gives me a hug and tells me it wasn't her fault, I then see jess mouth to them don't tell her. "Tell. Me. What." I said, "someone scratched your impala" jess replied. Ethan and His twin are both sitting with Hope staring at me. "Who. Did. It" i said full of anger. They point at jess. I instantly leave the room and sprint to my car. I saw some guy sitting on the hood of my car. I shout "GET OF MY CAR" as I push them in the shoulder. They turn to face me. OMG.

"What did you say to me" he said " that's my car" I replied he looked at me with a serious look on his face

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"What did you say to me" he said " that's my car" I replied he looked at me with a serious look on his face. "Prove it" he says. I instantly pull out my keys and the impala roars to life. "I need your help"

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