You're my what?!? Pt.2

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After I calmed down I realized that it was raining. just fucking great, I probably look like a mess who am I kidding I am a mess!

I was lucky to have a water proof case for both my phone and iPod.

I got out my phone and saw I had a text message from Blake



'Hey what's up :)'



'Nothing much and umm can we meet at the tree house?' after I sent the text I got a instant reply



'Yea. what's wrong? Are you ok?'



'I will explain everything when I see you ok'



'Ok see you soon'

After that I started walking after a while I got to the treehouse. once I got up the ladder I saw Blake and that made me smile.

I sat down next to Blake and started to explain. "so what's up" he asked concerned "well you know how I went to a BVB concert today?" I asked "yea what about it?" "well after the concert I was backstage and was talking to jake about superheroes and stuff then CC called me over when I got to him he said he has something to tell me and it turns out he is my brother. then I ran out and found a park and started to cry cuz my mom said I had a brother but she said he died in a car crash. also if he is my brother why wasn't he here when I needed him" I didn't even notice I was crying again until Blake ran his thumb under my eyes "let him explain himself and see how it ends. you need to talk to him." Blake said I nodded and kissed his cheek "thank you" I said than hugged him then we said our goodbyes.

I ran home hoped some gates and fences then when I got home I hoped through my bedroom window and ran to my bathroom. my reflection was hideous my war paint was smudged everywhere and my damp hair was started to get its natural curl and I was soaking wet from the rain. I freshened up and did my makeup and made sure to cover up my black eye then I decided to leave my hair curly and up in a ponytail. when I was done with changing and was ready I walked back to the venue and see if CC was still there. when I got there I saw Andy having a smoke. "hey Andy" I say to him once I was close "hey ray" he said with a smile "do you know where I can find CC?" I asked "yea he is in his bunk hold on a second I'll take you" he said as he through his cig. on the ground and smushed it with his shoe.

he started to walk and I followed. after awhile the tour bus came into view. Andy opened the door and gestured for me to go first. when we got on the bus Andy lead me to the bunks "CC I got something for you." Andy said "unless its Ray,I don't care" CC said with a frustrated tone.

Andy told me what bunk was his which turned out to be the bottom left one. I walked to it kneeled down and opened the curtain to his bunk to be faced with his back towards me "dude I said leave me alone" CC said thinking it was one of the guys "hey I am not a dude" I said with a funny tone.

once I spoke CC turned around and hugged me which was bad cuz he squished me in the hug and I still had bruises from when Marisa beat me up. "sorry" CC apologized "its fine" I said "CC I'm sorry I ran I didn't know how to take the news and I'm sorry I didn't let you explain what happened. I'm just sorry" I apologized "no need to apologize I understand." he said with a smile

***CC's POV***

I'm so happy she came back. but when I hugged her she flinched. Is she hurt? I will ask her later.

"So you want me to explain?" I asked "yes" she said "ok it all started..."








Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I am already writing the next chapter so hope you enjoy.


my brother? Is who!? (CC BVB) {book one}Where stories live. Discover now