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Even in the quinjet, the flight to Korea takes more hours than I want spend in close quarters with others.

I am not the only one, either. Every member of the team is on edge, despite the past days of recuperation. They all know what comes next. Or at least they think they do.

As the fifth hour of the trip quickly approaches, Tony continues to throw a ball at the dark, metallic wall. It bounces back to him and he throws it again. It is irritating everybody aboard, but nobody can be bothered to fight him on it. Not right now, anyways.

"Alright," Barton's voice echoes in the silence from the front of the ship, "we touch down in ten minutes."

With such a simple statement, the team springs in to action. The Widow opens a compartment in the wall, revealing a rack laden with any gun imaginable. Tony clips two red and gold bracelets to both of his wrists and the Captain heads off to another room to change. On the other side of the quinjet, Dr. Banner just stays where he is, his eyes still trained on the skyline out of the window.

"Heads up," a voice calls from behind me.

Whipping around, I catch a pile of fabric from Stark's hands. Opening it up, I try not to gasp. It's my suit- or something that resembles my suit, at least.

"What is this?" I ask, trying to keep my voice void of any excitement. He notices the slight furrow in my brow and chuckles.

"Gosh golly," he deadpans, "please don't look so grateful." He grabs the suit back out of my hands and holds it out in front of him.

"This is the Trinity 2.0," he begins, a slight smirk at the confusion on my face. "Don't be too shocked, tiny. If you join the team, you get a new suit."

I look around and see the rest of the team wearing their suits, too; each and every one of them laden with the newest technology or materials.

"Tiny? Really?" I question, turning the suit over again in my hands.

"Well, it's because you're so sma-," Dr. Banner begins innocently, a smirk on his face, too.

"Ya, got it Doctor." Nodding at all of them and offering Banner a leering smile, I suit up out of sight. Only a minute later, I am back with the others, the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach. No matter how much you train, they never go away.

The suit feels familiar enough; the fabric is slightly tighter and stretchier than my other suit was before, and a slight blue glow pulses from the trinity symbol on my chest. My heart calms when my hand brushes up against the gun strapped to my thigh.

"Alright," the Captain calls across the small ship. "Blahov, Romanoff, you two are getting to Ultron. Track down his movements, find him and whatever he is up to."

I nod at him and he nods back- something like mutual respect between soldiers.

"If he has gotten to Dr. Cho, this could be really bad," Dr. Banner worries aloud, pacing back and forth.

"If he has gotten to her already, we still need to get to her lab. We need to know what he took," Romanoff replies, loading a small pistol and strapping it to her thigh. She nods her head towards the lower section of the ship. I grab one last gun off the table, strap it to my belt, and follow her down the stairs.

"Put this in," she says, handing me a small earpiece and slipping hers in her ear, too.

"Clint will tell you which way to go, just follow me until we need to split up." Her voice is concise and her words hold almost no emotion except for the small smirk at the end. Flipping open yet another compartment, she clicks a switch and a whoosh of pressure releases from a wall, opening up to a small garage-like room with two motorbikes. Without hesitation, I swing my leg over the bike, watching Natasha do the same.

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