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hey, what's up. it's me donghyuck, you may know me as haechan though. before we get this show on the road i have a few things to say. first of all, i'm mixed. black and korean. my dad is korean and my mom is black. second of all, i have an older sister. we do have the same parents.

when i got accepted into sm, she stayed in america. ok lemme clear that part up really quick. we were both born in seoul but when I was 4 we moved to america. anyways, she's coming to visit. and she's staying in the dorm.

i don't think she knows how large my group is though. she's really busy so she never really has time to check out nct. but she has a 7 year break right now. she's not staying here all 7 years though. she's only staying for 2. and she's gonna go to other places for the other 5 years.

and me, i'm gonna try to play matchmaker. i have no idea what her idea type is though. maybe she likes guys like johnny-hyung. or maybe someone like ten-hyung. i don't know so i'll just ask questions.

ok i'm keeping you guys too long. sorry, you're probably waiting for the story. oh, one more thing. she's a rebel, so this is gonna be a long ass ride.

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