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after dinner i go back upstairs to my room. as soon as i close my door, theres a knock. it isnt like my brothers knock. this one is quite soft and inviting.

"its open." i say, inviting whomever to enter.

i then hear the door open, sort of hesitantly.

"hi." his voice was very light. i turn and see taeil, the fine guy from dinner.

"oh, hi."

"i dont believe we've met. i'm taeil."

"i'm soohyun, samara is my american name. I prefer samara. either one is fine tho."

"well ok then, samara. i just wanted to introduce myself."

"ok, bye. good night." i only said good night cause it's kind of late.

"good night." he said shutting the door softly.

i went to go lock it so i could wash up and prepare for bed.

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