The Truth in Lies

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You and endeavor kept walking he had let go of you as he knew you weren't gonna let go of him and you didn't you were still hugging him and you two were talking, but before anything more could happen a few explosions could be heard near the cafe they were at and they stopped and quickly turned around. You let go of endeavor as the two of you ran to the explosions running through people running away screaming. When you two got there you could see the cafe on fire smoke rising from it into the sky.

"W-Who did this?!" You shouted in anger and he clenched your fists your expression changing from its normal happy to a angry. Endeavor glanced at you but his gaze was brought back to the cafe because of a crazy pychopathic like laugh and two people walked out of the fire. A girl about 5'4 with long black hair put into a long ponytail, with orange crazy like eyes, wearing a black sleeveless shirt, a black short skirt, long high black boots, and long black fingerless gloves. Then a man about 6,2 with short white spiky hair, piercing red eyes, and a scar just under his left eye, wearing a silver metal mask over his nose and mouth, a black ripped cloak going down to half way down his calves, dark green baggy pants, and black boots. The two people look at endeavor and you. "H/N Stand back!" Endeavor yells his hands being covered in flames. "No I'm a hero to!!" You snap at him before Looking at the two villains and your normal E/C eyes turn to a glowing purplish red and your clothes glow purple and then turn into purple energy changing into your hero costume which wasn't anything cool you had a dark purple cloak cape with a hood that had cat ears on it because why not, you also were wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a dark grey vest like shirt that is a bullet proof vest, black semi baggy pants, silver metal gloves, and dark purple boots. You pull out a black bladed knife as your main weapon as you can't really control your quirk.

"Oh he's kinda cute!" The girl said staring at you and endeavor. You growl at her thinking she was talking about Endeavor. "Focus on the mission velvet!" The man says in a cold low voice. Velvet laughs a crazy laugh. "Ok then!" Velvet smiles evilly. "Hold them off micheal dear." She smiled as she started to collect snow and make a huge snowman. Michael sighed and slowly walked to you and endeavor and stopped a bit away and he put his hand out and he then swung it to the side and made huge and powerfully gusts of black wind that blew both you and endeavor back but Endeavor was able to keep his ground unlike you who fell backwards being blown away. Endeavor turned and watch you fly away. "H/N!!!!!!" Endeavor shouted before looking at michal in anger and he ran at Michel but Michel raised his hand and some cars nearby lifted into the air and he pointed his hand at endeavor and the cars flew at him. Endeavor increased the flames and punched through the cars and he ran at Micheal and Punched at him.

Micheal dodged the punches and put a hand on endeavors chest before blowing him back and velvet was almost done with her snow man and when she was she picked it up and ran past Endeavor and micheal to you. You had landed in the middle of the street far away citizens nearby looking at you as you got up snow in your hair and you brushed yourself off and velvet looked at you holding her gigantic snowman above her head. "Imma have tons of fun with you!" She laughed and you glared at her but you realized you had dropped your knife when you were blown away and he looked at velvet. "Oh you don't have your little toy do you?" She smiled and then clenched the snow man and all the snow turned pitch black. Your eyes widen and you stepped back. "LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!!" She shouted smiling like a maniac and then let go of the snowman as it bursts into black diamonds floating through the air millions of them and velvet looked at you and she smiled. "What the hell?!" You shouted stepping back preparing yourself. 

"NOW DIE!!!" Velvet yells and she pointed her hands at you and all the diamond flew at you cutting you blood running down your arms, hands, shoulders, and legs. You jumped away but the diamonds follow you, and you fall backwards and you put your hand in the snow and moved it around and your hand touched something and you grabbed it. It was your knife and you smilied pulling it out of the snow and you cut away at the diamonds. Velvet growled, and moved her arms around directing the diamonds. "Your not playing fair!!" She pouts and she then made some of the diamonds form under you and they make a pillar under you pushing you into the air and when it stops you cling onto the pillar but then the top of the pillar forms a hand That grabs you tightly squeezing you. You close your eyes and hold in your screams as you feel your bones being crushed, but then it stops and the hand then throws you through the air torwards micheal and endeavor.

Micheal was picking up cars throwing them at endeavor, but he keeps punching through the cars, and when Endeavor got the chance he ran at micheal and he made a sword out of fire and he swung at micheal but micheal used his quirk to slightly push winds moving endeavor slightly so he will miss, but endeavor smiled grabbed micheals leg picking him up and then slamming him into the snow, but  then micheal created powerful gusts of wind blowing Endeavor into the air. "Damn it!" Endeavor growled before looking down at micheal. He then covered his hand in fire and when he started to fall he aimed to punch micheal. Micheal looked up at endeavor ready for the punch and raised his hand to blow him back again. But suddenly you came flying into endeavor causing him and you to fall into the snow, and you quickly get up and look at micheal not knowing you had hit Endeavor. "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING NEXT TIME!!!" Endeavor yells as he gets up angry. You looked at him and you start to panic. "S-Sorry bo-boss!" You panicked, and you looked from Endeavor back to micheal. "Good grief." Endeavor sighed before looking at micheal. Velvet flew down down with black wings on her back when she landed by micheal the wings burst into black diamonds. 

Your expression changed from panicked to focused. "Be careful boss her quirk is powerful." You explain to endeavor putting your hand in one of your cuts. Endeavor looked at you and examined you noticing all the bleeding cuts and he sighed before looking back at micheal and velvet. "You should rest a bit H/N." Endeavor ordered not even looking at you. You looked at him but frowned looking back at micheal and velvet. "I'm fine, don't worry about me!" You replied holding your knife up. "It wasn't a suggestion H/N it was a order!" Endeavor demanded getting ready. You growled before running at micheal and velvet. "H/N WAIT!!!" Endeavor shouted before growling and running at micheal and velvet as well. 

Bnha Endeavor x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now