....and Forever

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You opened your eyes and you were laying down on a bed. You sat up slowly but you flinched everything hurt and you looked around confused before getting off the bed you weren't wearing a shirt and there were bandages on all of your cuts you had and bandages covering your stomach and chest fully, but you were wearing black shorts with white stripes down the side and that was it so you looked around before limping to the door and you were in someone's house. Did you get kidnapped by the villains? You then limped to the stairs going down them holding onto the wall. You heard a tv and you looked out you could see a tv on and someone sitting on a couch you couldn't tell who the person was because the rooms lights were off and you looked out a window it was night time. You walked down the rest of stairs trying not to make a sound and you looked at the person. "He-Hello?" You asked to the person kinda shaking.

The person kinda jumped and got up quickly turning around. You got scared and he fell backwards. "Y/N? Your awake." The person says before walking to you. "Wait......Endeavor?" You say and the person walks into the light it was Endeavor. "Oh sorry sir I thought you were someone else." You say slowly getting up flinching in pain. "Uh Y/N it's me endeavor." Endeavor says looking at you. You examined Endeavor and you then facepalm but you couldn't blame yourself. You haven't seen Endeavor without his flame mask and beard and he also had bandages all over his chest, arms, and legs, but unlike you he was fully dressed. "I-I'm sorry b-boss." You say looking down feeling so stupid. "What are you doing out of bed Y/N?" Endeavor asks staring at you something was different in his voice there was a hint of concern.

You look up at him and sigh. "W-Well I woke up b-but I didn't know where I was." You explain to the hero and endeavor sighs as well. "But Endeavor What happend?" You ask kinda suddenly. Endeavor crosses his arms and looks at you before looking down. "You went berserk using your quirk and you brutally murdered the villains." Endeavor says still looking down and your eyes widen before you start to  shake, and Endeavor looks at you. "What's wrong?" Endeavor asks stepping forward but you step backwards covering your face with your hands. "I did it again!" You blurt out moving your hands so they were only covering your eyes. Endeavor steps closer and grabs your hands gently moving them there were tears in your eyes. Endeavors eyes widen a bit before you looked away.

"Y/N it's ok." Endeavor says trying to calm you down. "NO ITS NOT!!!" You snap before your eyes widen and you cover your mouth even though he have disagreed and gone against Endeavor but you have never yelled at him and you start to shake scared. "B-Bo-Boss I-I'm so-sorry I-I-" you started saying but endeavor gently grabs your hands again and moves them and then grabs your shoulders pulling you really close your face against his chest. "It's ok." He says holding you close. You then start to cry and you hugged him burying your face into his chest. Endeavor blushed a bit but smiles and holds you close putting a hand on the back of your head rubbing it gently. You looked up at the hero and kept crying, but he Put his hands on your cheeks and used his thumbs to whipe your tears and you snuggled your head in his hands. He smiles and whipes off any extra tears. You smiled up at him Andy sighed. "I'm glad your ok endeavor." You say still smiling up at endeavor, but he sighs. "Please just call me Enji,  Y/N." He replied smiling down at you and your face lit up and you hug him tightly but you flinch everything still hurt. 

Enji noticed and he sighs. "You should rest some more Y/N." Enji suggests looking down at you kinda frowning, and you sigh. "N-No mid fine." You sigh looking up at him and he smiles and he walks back over to the couch. You follow him and the two of sit down. Enji Looks at you and smiles. "Hey Y/N do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks looking at you, and you look at him and you smile. "Sure why not." You reply cheerfully, before yawning you were kinda tired. "Heheh ok do you think you can go get and make some popcorn? That is if your feeling better?" Enji asks thinking you a grin on his face. "I can do it I am feeling a lot better!" You pout before getting up and slowly limp walking to the kitchen, and Enji chuckles. You look throughout the cabinets looking for a popcorn bowl and popcorn, after a bit you find a bowl and some popcorn and you put the popcorn in the microwave and set it for 3 minutes. Endeavor picks a movie and he grins, before sighing. "You find it Y/N?" Enji asks looking back. You smile and cross your arms leaning once the counter to keep your balance. "Yeah!" You reply from the kitchen and Enji smiles looking back at the tv he picked the 'perfect' movie for you. After the 3 minutes the microwave makes 5 beeps signaling sit was and you open if grabbing the popcorn bag taking it out and opening it pouring the popcorn into the bowl and when it was all into the bowl and you limp walk back to Enji holding the bowl. You sit down next to him and he starts the movie but he picked a horror movie and he knew you hated horror movies as they scared you to much.

The movie starts and it didn't take you long to figure out this was a horror movie and you look at Enji with a frown and he looked down at you smirking. "Really enji?" You ask him crossing your arms. "Come on your a hero can't you handle a little scare?" He jokes keeping his smirk. "you know I don't like horror movies!!!" You pout looking away, but Enji puts his arm around you. "Shhhhh" Enji shushes you and you blush from his arm being put around you but you pout a bit more, and Enji chuckles but looks at the tv and watches the movie. You do the same trying not to Show you are scared, but then there was a unseen jump scared. Enji didn't even flinch, but you jumped and then hugged Enji tightly. He looks down at you and he chuckles putting a arm around you and held you close. You look up at him and frown. "I blame you for this!" You pout but Enji just chuckles and you sigh and look back at the tv, Enji looks at the tv as well as the movie went on the two of you watched and you let go of Enji. 

Once the movie ended Enji grabbed the remote and turned the tv off, you yawned and looked at him, he looked back down at you and smiled. "You tired?" Enji asks grabbing the empty popcorn bowl and he got up. "Yeah kinda." You reply yawning again and you look down at your hands. "Then rest a bit ok." Enji replied taking the bowl into the kitchen. You sigh and lay down on your side and you close your eyes slowly falling asleep not to long after. Enji comes back into the room and looks down at you and he smiles grabbing a blanket and putting it over you before heading upstairs into his own room.

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