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哦,我好紧张啊。[a, im so nervous.] i cry jumping around.

me and 南南 has finally move into the new place for a few days, and today is the grand opening.

没事的,全部都会好的。[nothing, everything will be fine] he reply hugging me from behind to lower my jumpiness.

Everyone will be here soon, and we are already starting to make the pasteries for the customers. everything is pretty much set. the grand opening is been spreading over social media with the power of my website and my fan page, along with the fan pages of 鹿晗 and 艺兴.

As each person comes in, they immediately put on an apron to help out and im just getting more and more nervous yet excited.

We have set up a stand outside of the shop with our cover people on it, and a line thingy to create a line outside of the shop.

Suddenly hear the back door opening, and in walk 艺兴 and 鹿晗, shocking most people here.

啊,大家这是我们的代言人,和今天的小帮手。[a, everyone these are our spokesmen.] i said pointing to the two of them as the introduce themselves to the shock workers.

Soon I can hear people outside. Excusing myself, I walk outside and there is already a long line forming. and when they saw me, they all wave, and some ask when will it start.

its half hour before starting, so i thank them in advance and walk back in with the news.

Finally its time to start, and everyone walk outside. with music and Noah in the position of doing host work. then 鹿晗 and 艺兴 talking about their feelings about this, before finally I got to speak. allowing them to all get in positions.

Talking abit about how this came to be, and finally telling them to not rush, and stay in line so no one gets hurt.

Finally cutting the ribbon keeping them from entering, I follow back in, and get to work.

today I have most of them serving.

艺兴 and 鹿晗 can manage the bake goods.

南南 and I got the drinks.

亚楠 at cashier. Ivy is helping handing people who choice pick up.

Sunnie, 东东, Noah, and Daniel are serving, there are two floors, and people who wants to sit for a while, can as long as they are leaving after their drinks. When tables start having people leave, Sunnie will have to start washing the dishes.

Overall everything is in step. 西北, is at the entrance welcoming his new guest. so he is free!

As people come and go, many commented that the food is great and the drinks are perfect. Service is perfect. some people left tips in the tip jar too.

some came for 鹿晗 and 艺兴's attention, but I can tell they all are happy with the cafe also. A lot of my fans that could come, came to support also. most people didnt stay because of how busy it was with opening, while others did stay and mostly enjoy the upstairs quieter environment, taking the time to see our great place.

literally such an extreme event, that at the end, when we finally close down. everyone is dead tired. finding a chair and crashing.

你们还有力气去吃饭吗?[do we still have. energy to eat?] Noah ask laying back against a chair himself.

We all for a ten minute break, before going our separate ways home to change, and meet up at the resturant.

第一天这么成功!干杯![first day success, cheers!] i call as we hold up our drinks over the hotpot.

table full of food, pot full of food. we all crash down drinking our drinks, and starting to eat like monsters. so starving.

everyone is happy, talking, eatting, just unbelivable in joy. These are one of the moment when people wasn't so sure about 艺兴 and 鹿晗, but are just normal people, who eat just as sloppy as every normal human.

full belly, everyone parted again, and head back home.

With such a successful day, going home, showering. I crash like a pig.

happy day, happy dreams. im never waking up again! so happily tired!

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