Chapter three | What now?

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I woke up to a sudden burst of light, all the sudden remembering I was asleep with Molly. Who would interrupt such a beautiful couple anyway? I narrowed my eyes and looked around until I finally found, guess who? Henrey standing there with flashlight in hand, staring at us.

"Uh, how long have you been there?" I asked.

"Long enough, Richard my boy. Long enough." My cheeks soon brightened with embarrassment when I soon remembered Molly...She was still asleep! 

"Molly? Wake up...Henrey's here..." I whispered to Molly. It's too bad the moment couldn't last forever. Molly had to wake up anyway.

"W-what ha-" Molly's sentence was soon cut off by her remembering where we were. "Oh.." Molly finished her sentence. 


I heard a noise in the distance.

"Huh? What was that noise?" Molly and Henrey looked around wildly.

"What noise?" Henrey asked.

"I heard something...Outside." I looked around once more, and motioned for Molly and Henrey to follow. I had to find out what it was. And boy was I ever regretting finding out.

"IT WAS DARK RAIN! I AM TELLING YOU!" I was yelling at Molly and Henrey for the 4th time already and they wouldn't agree. I knew what I saw. It was dark. It was black. It was unusual. I couldn't stop yelling, because I didn't know how. Molly was looking at me terrified, and Henrey was giving out angry looks.

"NO IT WASN'T!" Henrey yelled back.

"YES IT WAS!" I yelled again. We went on for 10 whole minutes until Molly just went crazy.

"STOP!!!!!!" Molly screamed. Both me and Henrey just plainly stared. We had both completely forgotten she was even here. Molly crossed her arms.

"Good. Now that I got your attention, let me share my opinion." Molly glared. "I think that it was dark rain, but -"

"YES!" I exclaimed. Molly gave me a more harsh glare. "Oops.."

"As I was saying...I think we need to figure out what now." Henrey nodded in agreement.

"But how?" Henrey asked. Molly shrugged.

"I don't know, but I think we're on our own for this." I looked down at my feet. They were deep blue Converses and I have had them for 3 whole years. They were a bit worn out, but I still loved them.

"I have an idea." I looked up. "How about we wait it out?" I said. Molly and Henrey exchanged glances.

"You sure?" Molly said, finally.

"Certain." I replied.

Sorry this chapter was so short, but I really wanna get this done, and I also hope the music fit for this chapter

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Sorry this chapter was so short, but I really wanna get this done, and I also hope the music fit for this chapter. Thanks for reading, and see ya!

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