Chapter 4 | Waiting it out

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"Your turn." Me and Molly were playing a game of food chess which we found in the cabinets of Burger King. I was starting to get honestly really bored, but I didn't care. As long as I was with Molly, I was going to be fine.

"Okay, I move my queen to your queen." I smiled. 

"Nice try!" I moved my knight quickly to kill the queen.

"Hey! No fair! I thought we agreed that the knight couldn't harm the queen!" Molly joked. I grinned.

"Hey, hey, it's not my fault we don't know how to play chess!" Molly shoved me playfully.

"Get over yourself!" Molly was laughing loudly now. Her laugh made the whole world melt away. - But it's too bad it didn't last for long, because a moment later, the sound of a scream interrupted our game. 

"Wait...What was that?" Molly's eyes widened in fear. I slowly waved for her to follow. We had to find out what the noise was. 


Lightning shone on bodies.

"AHH!!!" Molly yelled. With my quickest instincts, I quickly ran leading Molly to the kitchen to find...

Henrey. Sitting on the floor eating fruit snacks.

I scowled. "Henrey! You scared Molly!" Henrey shrugged. 

"So? It's just me and that's all you need to know." Henrey replied. I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you hiding something?" I asked.


"You sure?" 



I stormed away angrily. I could not believe how annoying Henrey was being. Gah! I quickly shrugged off my anger as I went to sit back down in my chair.

"Stupid Henrey...Stupid smarty...Stupid...Stupid..." I muttered. Without realizing it, in the middle of my muttering Molly showed up.

"Hey...Richard. You don't have to be alone you know." Molly said calmly. I turned around slowly.

"I know. I'm just frustrated." I muttered. Molly sighed.

"Stop being so hard on yourself." Molly smiled, "Just live a little." Slowly, but truly Molly slowly made her way to my cheek, and kissed me. I blushed. And as soon as it happened, it ended, and Molly left, grinning. I couldn't believe it. Molly kissed me. - Not on the lips though, sadly. -  It  was a surprise. I couldn't believe it. I quickly got up and ran towards Molly.

"What was that for?" I asked. Molly just shrugged and smiled.

"I like you." She said it so simply as if it really was simple. But it wasn't.

"Y-You like me?" I stammered.

"Sure. You're fun to be around." I couldn't believe it. Molly was being the most amazing nonsense person in the world right now, and I loved it. I smiled.

"I like you too." I hugged Molly like my life depended on it. Dark rain or not, this was the best adventure ever. 

As soon as our hug was over, I turned to notice that Henrey was standing right in front of us. Smiling.

"So, Molly likes Richard, and Richard likes Molly? Big surprise!" Henrey laughed. I looked over at Molly, confused. "Oh, right I forgot to tell you. I knew all along that you liked each other." I glared at Henrey.

"Seriously!? Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled. Henrey backed up.

"Calm down, Richard. I didn't wanna make things awkward. It was better for you to find out on your own." He did have a good point... I thought. 

"Fine. But stop keeping secrets from me." I said, annoyed.

"Hey! I think the dark rain stopped! We can leave!" I looked over to where Molly was remembering she was there.

"Great! Come on, guys!" I waved everyone to the door, happily trotting away.

"Just be careful of black puddles. They might contain acid." I stopped in my tracks.

"Noted..." I said, frightful. 

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