Chapter 8- Sister

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No ones POV-
"You," you and Vision say in sync.

Steve and Tony give you a weird look as you put an arm around Vision, giving him a side hug.

"Where?" Bruce asks. "Socovia. He's got Nat there too," Clint says as he thinks about it.

"If were wrong about you, if your the monster Ultron created you to be..." Bruce trailed off.

"What will you do?" Vision asks, almost if he's scared.

"Nothing. He's not a monster, and he never will be," You say as you look up at Vision.

"I don't want to kill Ultron. He is unique, and he is in pain," Vision says as he walks away from you. Your eyes slowly return to their regular shade.

"That pain will roll over the Earth. So he must be destroyed. Everything, if there is even one that escapes we failed, and not one of us can do it without the others," he pauses from his speech.

"Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are and I'm not what you intended. So there may be no way for you to trust me, but we need to go," Vision said while handing Thor his mighty hammer.

Everyone stood in shock, except you of course. I mean, if you are part of the stone then that's the reason you could lift it in the first place.

Vision handed it to Thor and then walked over to you. You feel your eyes start glowing immediately.

"You are unique sister. I can't wait to get to know you better," he said while kissing your head and walking away. Everyone still stood there in shock. Thor tried to play it off too.

"Alright then. Well done," Thor said while patting Stark on the back. Steve walked up,

"Three minuets. Grab what you'll need." You nodded as you tried to run to your room, but Steve stopped you.

"Sister??" He asks completely confused.

"I'll fill you in later," you say as you break from his grip on your arm. You run and grab a clean suit while also cleaning your scraps and stuff.

"Hey Pietro, can you toss me some running shoes-," you say but cut yourself off by seeing Pietro without his shirt. He had chiseled body and god..he looked hot.

"Like what you see beautiful girl?" He asked with a smirk.

"I-uh.. the um shoes? Please?" You ask, trying not to look at his body again. "Come and get them," he says as he holds up a pair of black running shoes.

You run over to him and try to snatch the shoes and leave, but that's not how he wanted it to go. He grabbed your waist before you could go anywhere.

He smirked as he kissed you slowly and passionately. You smiled into the kiss, enjoying every minute of it. Your hands slowly went down his abs as you traced every muscle.

"Yuck. Get a room you two," Wanda said as she glanced at you two. Pietro threw he a jacket,

"Keep your eyes to yourself then." Wanda laughed as she put in her new outfit.

"Vill you be my girlfriend Y/n?" Pietro asked out of know where.

You giggled, "Of course. But I need to go find my brother." You kiss him one last time before taking off to find Vision.

You found him on the roof of the tower with Thor. Vision felt your presence, or at least the stone told him you were there. Your eyes glowed once again as you ran over to Vision.

"Have you ever flown before Y/n?" Vision asks as he glances at you.

"I've flown a jet but that's it," you say as you stand on the edge of the tower.

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