Chapter 6

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Gumi appeared in front of Y/N and put her arms almost touching about shoulders

Gumi: Hahaha

Y/N looked afraid

Gumi: Are you okay

Y/N: What the hell was that

Gumi: Oh it's a Don Kanoji laugh

Y/N: Woah woah woah wrong fucking series

Gumi: What do you mean

Y/N: Well everyone is going to know that's from Bl-

Gumi covers Y/N before he finishes

Gumi: Sshh no one needs to know also you should watch your mouth from time to time

Y/N: Um may I ask why

???: Because it's offensive

Y/N looks behind him and sees a pink hair girl carrying a lien jar

Y/N: That was a seven foot door *breaths in* so how may I help you

???: You must be the great Y/N

Y/N: Sup

???: I heard so much about you

Y/N: Oh really

???: The new kid who goes around swearing whenever

Y/N: Oh man work the shaft

???: Excuse me

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry, I get excited when someone is sucking my dick

???: Perhaps I should get to the point I'm Yuzuki Yukari

Y/N: And I'm called San Diego guess where I am

Yuzuki: I'm trying to have a reasonable conversation

Y/N: Oh and so am I and I'm sorry it's just this Pink hair girl stroll in my conversation and try to impress him like a alcoholic father

This made Yuzuki mad

Y/N: Now be a good girl and grab daddy another drink

Yuzuki was about to hit him when she heard Luka's voice

Luka: Y/N

Y/N: Hmm hey Luka what's up

Luka: About the beach *twirls her thumbs together* you maybe want to go to the beach later

Y/N smiled at her

Y/N: Yeah we can go to the beach later on

Y/N and Luka smile each other when Gumi breaks the smile

Gumi: Anyways this is

Yuzuki: I'm Yuzuki Yukari, I go around and collect lein on people who swears

Y/N: Your telling me you never swear once

Yuzuki: Nope

Y/N: I call bull shit

Yuzuki hands him the jar

Yuzuki: You swore more than once, every time you swear I may or may not forgive you

Gumi: Don't listen to her she might act tough but she's really a nicest person in the school

Yuzuki blush a lot and hides her face from embarrassment, she takes the jar and run

Y/N: That was... weird

Luka: Y/N do you know her

Y/N: Not the slightest clue

Luka: Well see you after school

Y/N: Yep

Y/N sees Luka walk off when IA came behind him

IA: Hey Y/N, who was that girl

Y/N: H-h-hey IA

IA: Don't hey IA me, who was that girl

Y/N was scared when a red hair bumped into him, Y/N fell on top of IA and accidentally kiss her, they soon stopped kissing and don't look at each other

???: Whops sorry didn't see you two there

Y/N: And who are you

???: Names CUL

Gumi(whispers): AKA psychopath

CUL: I heard that

Y/N: The fuck kind of school am I in

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