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Lukes pov
Your just an outcast no one cares about you was all that was running through lukes mind Michael well be so disappointed in you face it luke your nothing
As he ran the blade along his wrist he didn't here his mum open the bathroom door OH MY GOD LUKE screamed liz mum w w when did you get home luke asks you could here the fear in his voice when he asked just now you said you would stop luke you promised I know mum but I had to WHY LUKE YOU SAID YOU WOULD GET BETTER liz sreamed at luke I k know mum but I don't belong here GET OVER MICHAEL LUKE IT HAPPENED TEN YEARS AGO NO MUM HE WAS MY BEST MATE AND NOW I HAVE NO ONE fine than luke I don't  care anymore
Annabeths P.O.V
My mum just text me saying she is out to 3:40 I said to skye my best mate on the phone OMG we could have a party  she screamed in my ear FUCK NO I said do you remember what happend last time ohhhhhh yeah you broke your mum's really really expensive wine glass and she grounded you for like 9 months
Exactly so no awww you are no fun come on girl live a little  anyway I need to get away from Brad
Why what did he do this time you have to brake up with him but what if I love him I mean he is not like any other boy I gave dated he loves me for me not my body
Okay but if he hurts you in anyway or form I will murder him
Wow he won't tho so your not murdering anyone anyway I have to.go night annie
Night sky see you next week

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