Chapter 16-phone calls and bridges

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(y/n)'s POV

I woke up to the sound my phone ringing. I didn't check the caller ID I just answered hoping it wasn't Thomas.
"Hello?" I groggily asked.
"Hello. Find us. You know where. Be here by 11:00pm or else... Addi's first."
Then he hung up. I immediately recognized the voice... Kaiden.
I grabbed the room key to Thomas's room and rushed out of my room, not caring I was in pjs or my hair was a mess. I have to get back to Thomas's hotel room.


I got there and pulled out my key card. Thank god I kept it with me. I opened the door to find Thomas, laying on the floor. He didn't look badly beating, Kaiden must have just hit a weak spot on his ribs.
I went over.
"Thomas?" I asked.
"Ya?" He weakly responded.
"Where are the others."
"He.. he took Addi and Halle... he... he locked up Dylan. I.. I don't .. I don't know about Tom." I helped him sit up. He was stuttering a lot. My guess was that it was because he was weak and in shock.
  "Do you know where Dylan is?"
"He... He's in.. in Addi and Tom's room. I think."
"I'll be right back." I told him, rushing upstairs. I heard faint banging on the door of Addi and Tom's room, and I opened it. Silly it locks on the outside.
I opened the door to see Dylan. He had red, puffy eyes, but he was completely uninjured.
"Dylan." I started.
Dylan shot up. "He took Halle. He took Addi."
"Do you know where Tom is?"
"No. Is he not down stairs?" Dylan asked. I got very nervous.
"No... lets just go. We'll find him. We have to save Halle and Addi."
We went down and saw Thomas. He was trying to stand.
"Thomas." I rushed over to him. "Dylan. Stay with Thomas.. I'll go."
"(y/n). I.. I don't... I don't want you going by yourself." I heard Thomas say. I looked at him. I gave him a quick peck and started to leave.
"(y/n) wait!" Thomas yelled after me. I kept going though. "I know where Tom is!" I turned around immediately.
"He left with Kaiden."
  "Kaiden took him!" I asked. Tom, Addi and Halle.
"No, Tom turned on us."
I was shocked. "What.. what do.. what do you mean?"
"He.. he said he never loved Addi. He said he never like us. He helped him kidnap all of them while Kaiden Locked up Dylan and beat me."
I was in complete shock. Tom really is an amazing actor. And a complete jackass and back stabber.
"Let's just all go."
"But, we don't know where they are." Dylan said.
"I... I do."
"Where (y/n)! Where!" Dylan frantically asked.
"The bridge." I flatly stated. Thomas started to speak, but I cut him off. "No questions. We have to go."


We parked our car on the side of the road and got out. I saw the bridge. I looks up it for Addi, Kaiden, Halle or anyone. I heard a scream.
Thomas and Dylan started running, as did I. We saw people crowding an area and ran over. Kaiden was on the side of the abutment, where the concrete of the bridge stuck out about 8 feet.
Addi was about 10 inches away from the edge and Tom was slowly walking towards her, as she was backing up. Halle was in the same situation, but with Kaiden.
Dylan, Thomas and I both quickly went to them.
"Kaiden, it's over." I yelled at him, once we got there.
"Oh... it's not over (y/n). It's never over." He paused. "At least, not for me." He grabbed Halle's shirt. "For your friend it might be a different story." He pushed her off. Dylan screamed and tried to jump in after her.
"Dylan no!" I yelled, grabbing is arm. "Go down that way." I said pointing to the way we came up.
Dylan raced down, Thomas and I following close behind. In the mist of the moment we forgot Addi was still up there, but right now Halle was a priority.
Once we got down we started searching the water for Halle.
Dylan spotted Halle. She was unconscious and face down. She looked.. dead.
Dylan searched for something to grab her with, finally finding a rope.
"(y/n)! Quickly! Tie this end to a tree, and I'll tie the other end around me. I'll swim out and get Halle.
I raced to find a good tree. Once I found one, I quickly tied it. Giving Dylan a thumbs up, he dove into the water as fast as possible.
The current was pushing him, closer to Halle luckily, but that means the way back is going to be rough.
Dylan grabbed Halle and yelled for Thomas and I to start pulling on the rope, helping him get up.
Once Dylan got up, he untied the rope and started checking for a pulse on Halle.
"Do you feel a pulse?" I asked, though I was scared of the answer.
"Yes!" Dylan answered.
Halle gained consciousness, coughing up water as she did so.
"Halle!" I whisper yelled, hugging her.
I heard a scream.
Addi. I thought to myself. Without saying a word, I bolted back up to where we left Addi. I saw her. One more step and she would fall.
Tom and Kaiden were backing her up still.
Just as Addi was about to fall, Tom grabbed her and swung her behind him, now backing Kaiden to the edge.
"Tom. My buddy. My friend. What are you doing?" Kaiden cautioned.
"I was never on your side. Come on now, did you really think I didn't love Addi. That I actually wanted to kill her or Halle? No. It was all a trick."
"For what!" Kaiden sneered. "What's the good in pretending? We all die anyway." Kaiden pulled out a gun. I had been in shock until that moment. I started running over, until I noticed the gun wasn't pointed at Tom. Or Addi. Or even me. It was pointed. At himself.
Before I could do anything, Kaiden pulled the trigger. Before falling, he almost looked, happy? Like he wanted to die. Like this is what he wanted. No, not happy but relieved.
  Tom turned to Addi.
"What the HELL TOM!" Addi started. "That wasn't ok! THAT WASNT OK AT ALL! NOTHING ABOUT THAT WAS OK!! NOTHING!" Addi started yelling and punching his chest. Tom pulled Addi close as she started crying.
"I'm sorry Addi. I'm sorry."
I motioned for Addi and Tom to come down. They followed me as we went down to Halle, Dylan and Thomas.
The police arrived, and ambulances. We were all filed in, to go to a place we know all to well.


The next morning, we saw the headlines on all newspapers and on the news it's self.
'6 young adults survive the ride of a life time.' I zoned out as the news reporter droned on and on about something that I lived through less than 24 hours ago.
And I heard it. "Kaiden Lockheart, pronounced dead." I turned off the news. It's was over. It's over. He'll never bother us again.

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