•Chapter One• ||The Killer in the Mirror||

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||There will be strong themes of disordered eating, mental illness, gore, detailed descriptions of violence and angst. Warnings won't be given again.||


"What the hell do you mean?" The ally was such a cliche setting for this kind of thing, [Name] noted with a sort of cynical fondness.

"I said what I meant, darling. You're not nearly dead enough for me to bring you back. I can fix that, though." His expression went deathly pale- ah, irony- at the sight of the almost comically large syringe and forceps that protruded from her medical belt, and upon her unraveling it, an array of scalpels and other medicinal pretties were unveiled.

"You're not actually going to slice me up, are you?!" His heart was beating rapidly, and she could practically hear it thundering against his ribs.

"Of course not. That'd be too messy." She hummed, then popped her neck, and her expression dropped. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just, there are some things I have to do to help you." Her tone was sickly sweet, and she selected a few tools to use. He was gagged and tied down already- not that the gag was doing much- but his screams echoed off those walls with such a pleasant ring that it made her grin spread.

"Now, let's get to it, mm?"


City lights were bothersome. Lights meant population, and population meant cameras. Cameras meant it was harder to hide. That wasn't good for her, especially not when a lot of what she did was illegal.

Not intentionally, of course. At least, not all the time. She was too good for that. Too good for the lowly scrubs she worked on, too, but at least she made money this way, right?

Latex snapped at her wrists when she pulled her gloves on, ready to work on another before the chamber lit up in blue lightning. Maybe it was fire. Either way, it was bright and frustrating and she narrowly remembered to try and avoid it.

The man she was working on was fried to a crisp, and the most she could do was pout. "There goes all my fun." His agonized cries died out, leaving an uncomfortable silence.

[Name] knew there was another person around. She heard him moving. Heard him breathing. The surgeon stood from behind the metal sheets she called protection, hair a little wild and dress hugging her body in a way that made it look intentional.

She was met with an icy blue glare, and this man sent excitement shivering down her spine. His face and body were tattered, speckled with deep purple discoloration and silver dermal piercings, or maybe staples.

Another joint pop. "Who the hell are you? You just cost me my fun and my nightly paycheck." The man didn't seem too intimidated by her, nor her staggering height. They were pretty much eye-to-eye.

"It's not my fault you decided to help some sleeze-bag. The boss put a pin on his head. Sorry, lady, just doing my job." He hissed, shrugging, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his black slacks.

"And suddenly you're above me? That certainly isn't fair." She sounded sad, now, and he raised an eyebrow, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"The hell is wrong with you?"

"Ah, what's wrong with you?" She prodded, jabbing a hand toward his chest, syringe between her fingers. He flinched back a little.

"Look, you save. I murder. It's a simple thing, really. People like you piss me off. So quit while you're ahead." He had to admit that the cackling that followed his little lecture was unnerving, there was no other way to put it. It sounded almost false, as if there were no way it could come from a girl who looked like that.

"You're kidding, right? I'll scratch your big, dumb eyes out! Got it?" The syringe shattered when she dropped it, her grip instead on the sides of her face as she mumbled incoherently, like she was trying to calm herself down.

"And I thought I was psycho." He muttered, greatly considering just offing the bitch and putting her out of her misery.

"What's your name?" She asked, crazed eyes suddenly staring right into his own with such an intensity that he could almost see Tomura in her. Hell and Heaven alike knew how much that kid scared him shitless.

"That's none of your concern. What's yours?"

"That's none of your concern." He scoffed, arms crossed.

"I have better things to do than play kindergarten games with you, sweetheart. Now leave, before I make you into a pretty little shish-kabob." He was getting pissed off again, and her raging pms'ing, or whatever the hell was wrong with her, was seriously too close to his boss for comfort.

She wasn't keen on letting him go so soon, nimble fingers traveling over his scarred skin. "Where did these come from?" She looked so amazed, and he was disgusted by it.

"My father. Get off me." He was responsive, she liked it. She kept firing questions, half of which he pushed off. When that happened, she pretended not to notice. He kept trying to get passed her, but couldn't bring himself to just scorch her ass.

"Listen, toots, I've really gotta go." He huffed, blowing charred black hair from his eyes. She pouted, but he'd won her over by answering enough questions that she was satisfied with letting him go.

He pushed passed her, refusing to meet her eyes and ultimately icing over, like she wasn't even there. She was at least satisfied with the answers she'd gotten. That's all she needed.

Now, how to deal with the 'murderer' aspect.

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