Oh look a Prince fic

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Just off the bat, I'd just like to add that Hibino swears two times in this fic, but aside from that, this is as clean as your grandma's kitchen. If you can't read that, just skip his POV (It's at the third page cut).

"Mon Dieu , they've been sitting there for hours!" Ciel whispered.

In a vacant bush, five princes (and Alex) huddled together as they observed (Read as: spied on) the disaster that was Leon and Hibino's love lives.

" Shut up, Ciel! They're gonna hear us if you don't shut the-" A nervous Alex cut off Albert. Despite his begging, Alex reluctantly caved in on joining them in the illegal activity after a few half-assed reasons to do so. ("It's to ensure that they both won't be sad sacks by the time we're a hu-" "F-fine! Just don't hurt them? Please? ")

- - -

The very same moment, two young princes stood in the middle of the park, ice-cream melting in their hands. The taller of the two tried to start conversation with the stoic prince, but to no avail.

"So, I heard that you're interested in this new anime called the Fantastic Fanta-"

"It's called Epic Fantasy," Hibino replied, making no effort to change the harsh tone in his voice. The fact that both of his robot companions were still beside him didn't exactly paint him as the picture of friendliness.

"...oh," he replied stupidly, taking a bite of his food in a frail attempt to avoid confrontation.

It was awkward, to say the very least.

- - -

Excuse his language, but Shintaro was freaking the fuck out.

Oh Gods, his c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ subject of infatuation had invited him to hang out and he was making a complete mess out of it.

Why did he bring Pepper and Honda-san? Why did he buy that flavor (He didn't even like it, opting to let it drip onto the freshly-mowed grass.)? At this rate, he wouldn't even be surprised if a meteor were to-

"It's called Epic Fantasy,"


- - -

"Oh my God, I can't take this anymore," Felix said as he jumped out from their hidden spot. "It's time to take out my secret weapon!"

"Dude, what're you doing?" Charles yelled at the former. "We're gonna get caught!"

Lifting up a thumbs-up, the ginger replied "Relax! Don't you worry your cowboy pants off, I got this!" before dashing away.

"Do you think it'll work?" Charles asked Alex.

"At this point, I'm only worried Dad will catch us," the student president replied, shaking his head.

- - -

"Hey, guys!"

Thanking whatever lower deity that was watching for the interruption, Leon moved to greet his childhood friend. "Hey, Felix. How're you doing?"

Immediately, Felix asked "Sooo, I'm wondering if you're free this Saturday? Say, at, 7PM?"

After a quick mind schedule check, he replied with a short confirmation.

"Good! How 'bout you, Hibino?" Felix turned around to face the other.

Surprised for the sudden spotlight, he immediately turned to his robot companions. "Pepper?"

In a feminine voice, the robot answered "Your schedule is empty for the that date and time, Shintaro-kun,"

"Yes, I guess," he replied upon hearing his companion.

"This is perfect! There's this new restaurant opening at the complex and it'll be great for you both to join me!" he said happily as he gave them both a flyer for the place, along with a handful of coupons.

As the two were just about to read the flyer, the Spain prince let out a loud gasp. "Oh no, I just realized that I have something totally important to do that time!" he sighed as he placed his hand on his head dramatically.

"Oh wait, how about you both go there together?!" he said as he struck a dramatic pose, as if he made a groundbreaking discovery (Which was, to Hibino and Leon).

Before they could even intervene with loud stammers, Felix ran off and yelled "ANYWAYHAVEFUNONYOURDATEBYE!" in a single breath. (Sometimes in the dead of night, Leon would wonder how something so small like Felix could have such a large lung capacity.)


"So, it would be such a waste if we didn't go there," Leon said awkwardly, brandishing the various coupons to the other prince. "So, how about it, Hibi-"

"Call me Shintaro," the shorter cut off, hesitantly closing the distance between his and the other teen's hands. "...and yes, if you will have me," he added.

Much to the astonishment of Shintaro, he laced their hands together before replying with a bright grin.

- - -

"Oh my God, that actually worked," Charles said in shock, popping his head out from the bush.

"Trust me, everyone is surprised, Charles," Ciel replied pompously.

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