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By the time they reach a nearby town, it was almost dark. There's a rundown inn on the edge of the twn. It looked kinda shady but beggars can't be choosers. They walk in and Stephen looks around. It was well lit and sparsely decorated. A painting hung next to the door. It was a painting of what looked like a field of horses. SOmeone clearing their throat caught Stephen's attention and he turned towards the front desk. A tall fierce looking woman with black hair was leaned over the the polished wood.

"Can we help you two?" She asked, her accent was one Stephen was unable to place off the top of his head.

"Stephen." Tony whispers.

Stephen turns to look at him but the shorter man's gaze was locked on the counter. Stephen follows his gaze and sees what had caught Tony's attention. Scratched into the surface was an upside triangle inside a circle. It was barely noticeable unless the light reflected just right. Some of the tension leaves Stephen's shoulders, but as he looks up, the lady looked on guard and she had turned to look at the office behind her. A man with light brown hair comes out and wraps an arm around her. Stephen wasn't sure if he would laugh or cry.

"Can we help you?" The man asked. He was obviously from the states.

"We'd like a room please." Stephen answers, running his fingers over the symbol before smiling and handing over probably more money than necessary. He didn't really care, it felt right.

The woman starts to hand back change but Stephen waves his hand. "Keep it. I know you'll put it to good use."

"What name should I put down?" The woman asked.

"Stephen Stark." Stephen supplies before he can stop himself. He hears Tony's breath hitch beside him and he looks over. Tony's eyes were full of love and Stephen reaches for his hand.

"And I'm Tony." Tony supplies.

"My name is Peter. And this is Gamora."

"Thank you for your support." Tony grins.

"So where are you headed?" Gamora asked, handing over a key.

"Le Havre. We're meeting friends."

"You're going to have to go all the way through Germany to get there."

"Unfortunately." Stephen sighs.

"We can do it." Tony says, interrupted by a racking cough.

"Let's get you to bed." Stephen says softly. He looks at the other couple. "Thank you for letting us stay here."

"It's our pleasure. The rooms are just up the stairs."

Stephen nods and they make their way up, to their room. The room had two double beds and a night stand, a small bathroom off to the side.

"Go lie down, shirt off."

"Yes sir." Tony smirks. Stephen rolls his eyes and shoves him gently towards one of the beds and heads to the bathroom himself. Digging in his bag, he pulls out his now second most prized possession, his medical bag, the only thing he took from camp. It was his father's and he had been given it the day he was accepted into medical school. He pulls out a container Vicks VapoRub and a bottle of whiskey. It wasn't much but it was all he had..He returns to the room, looking Tony over. He had flushed cheeks but otherwise looked fine. Stephen puts the bottle down and Tony opens his eyes to look at him.

"Trying to get me drunk Dr. Stark?"

Stephen rolls his eyes but blushes at the 'Dr. Stark' comment.

"You're impossible sometimes, you know that?" He uncorks the bottle and hands it over. "Drink."

"Yeah, but you love me." Tony snarks, taking the bottle and drinking obediently. There wasn't much left in the bottle so it was drained fairly quickly. Tony makes a face. "Cheap whiskey. Gross."

"Don't whine. It's all I had."

Tony's expression softens a little as he sits the bottle down on the nightstand. "Thank you."

Stephen makes a humming noise and unscrews the cap of VIcks. He sets the lid aside and looks over at him. "Vicks can cure almost anything. That's what a wise old woman taught me once. You remind me of her a bit." He muses, dipping his fingers in and scooping some out.

"I remind you of an old woman? Should I be offended about that?"

Stephen laughs softly. "I mean that she was full of passion and had fire in her eyes." He glances up, under his eyelashes. "And she was Italian-American."

"Ah, well you should know by now that all Italians have attitude. It runs in our vein-holy fuck that's cold!"

While Tony was talking, Stephen started to rub the VapoRub on Tony's chest. He moves his hand in small slow circles, working his way across and down the well defined chest.

"I know. Sorry. But it'll help." Stephen soothes, leaning down to kiss him gently. Tony kisses back, bringing one hand up to cup the doctor's face. Pulling up, Stephen smiles a little. Tony makes a whining noise.

"We should have sex."

Stephen snorts. "I'm not having sex with you while you're sick." He says, standing and grabbing the bottle and going to the bathroom to fill it with lukewarm water.

"But it's technically our honeymoon!"

"Yeah and we're on the run." Stephen retorts. He returns to the bedside and sits down with a smile. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Fine, you have a point but how about when we get to the safe house?"

"Yeah. Sure. We can have sex then. But we aren't going to leave until you get better."


Stephen cuts him off by pressing the bottle to his lips. "You need to stay hydrated." He gets up and goes to the end of the bed, gently pulling off Tony's boots and socks. He winces when he sees the sores.

"Yeah, not a pretty sight. But you knew that already." Tony points out.

"I'll make something for them when I get the stuff." He promises and gently applies the VapoRub to the soles of Tony's feet before replacing the socks. He washes his hands before finally settling on a stool he had found. Tony was already drifting off.



"Will you sing to me?" Tony murmurs.

"Of course love." He brushes back Tony's hair from his forehead. He had learned an Italian lullaby that Tony's mother had sung when he was growing up. Tony taught it to him over the times that he was in the medical tent. He still stumbled over the words and it sounded much better in Tony's voice.

"Noo... nonna nonna, la bimba mia l'angelo l'addormenta
Noo..., se l'addormenta adesso che è piccolina
quando diventa grande s'addormenta da sola.
Quando sono nata nacqui a mare
nacqui tra i Turchi ed i Mori
mi prendeva e mi metteva in braccio
chi mi diceva "figlia vieni a me"
Viene una zingara per fare l'indovina
"Figlia per te c'è un monte d'oro."

Tony smiles and continues softly. "Viene una zingara per fare l'indovina
"Figlia per te c'è un monte d'oro"
Presi una zappa e mi misi a zappare
non trovai l'argento e nemmeno l'oro.
Vorrei tornare un'altra volta in fascie
per baciare chi baciava me
"Zingara non sapesti indovinare
chi nasce afflitto muore sconsolato...."

"Noo... nonna nonna, la bimba mia la nonna vuole fare
Noo..., se l'addormenta adesso che è piccolina
quando diventa grande s'addormenta da sola.
E nonna nonna adesso viene Mammone
adesso viene il vecchierello ubriacone
ubriacone che ubriaca le genti
ubriacami questa figlia in un momento
E nonna nonna dormi e cresci
adesso viene il mare che porta i pesci..." Stephen trails off, looking over at Tony. The smaller man had fallen asleep. Smiling fondly, Stephen pulls the blanket up around him and sits back. The chair was uncomfortable but Stephen ignores his ass falling asleep because Tony looked peaceful for the first time since they left. He was only twenty five but he had seen so much. It was kind of sad that he seemed happiest when he was in the infirmary. He would purposely hurt himself. He told Stephen it was an excuse to see him but Stephen suspected that it was more than that. He hated fighting, well not exactly hated it, just viewed it as a last resort. He was in the Army to prove his worth. That knowledge alone made Stephen's heart hurt.

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