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When Tony woke the next morning, Stephen was still sitting on that damn chair, watching him. He had bags under his usually bright eyes.

"God you look like hell." Tony says, sitting up.

"Well good morning to you too." Stephen grumbles a little and moves over to press the back of his hand to Tony's forehead and cheeks. "You're fever has broken." He murmurs.

"That's good." Tony brushes his hand away. "Did you sleep at all?"

Stephen sighs and brushes one hand through his already messed up hair. "No?"

"You need to sleep."

"I was keeping an eye on you."

"Yeah well I'm fine now. You need to sleep." Tony stands and pulls Stephen up, and over to the bed. He turns the tall man around gently and pushes him down onto the bed. "Sleep. You need it."

"Lay with me?"

"Yeah, of course." Tony crawls up onto the bed and settles, curling up against Stephen's side.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"I'll always take care of you." Stephen murmurs and finally closes his eyes.

"I know." Tony whispers.

While Stephen was sleeping, Tony gets up and showers. As he stands under the water, his mind is busy. He worried. Tony was used to exerting himself like this but he wasn't sure about Stephen. Yeah he was trained, but he was a doctor not a fighter. Hopefully he didn't over do it. He had no idea how to care for Stephen if something happened and he got hurt or sick. On top of that, there was always the chance of one of them dying. That would be worse case scenario. Running his hands through his hair, Tony inhales deeply. They only had to make it to France. They get there and everything will be fine. If they make-no. When. Turning off the water, he steps out and towels off. He pulls on his change of clothes and goes back into the room. Stephen was sitting on the bed cross legged. His eyes were closed and he was whispering to himself. Tony smiles to himself and decided not to interrupt. Meditation is what seemed to keep the doctor level headed and sane.

"Welcome back. Did you leave some hot water?" Stephen asked, without opening his eyes.

"How do you do that?"

Stephen opens one eye with a smile and then opens the other, popping his fingers.

"I heard the water go off and can smell soap. Plus you're a heavy walker."

Tony climbs up onto the bed and kisses him. "Ah. Good to know. Well I left some hot water."

"Thanks beautiful. I'm going to go shower now." Stephen gives him a look and slides off the bed. Tony watches him go and is sitting still for a moment before his brain caught up with him. He clamoured out of the bed and towards the bathroom. Stephen was leaned over, adjusting the knobs on the tub. Tony stood there admiring the view. Stephen turns his head, standing up straight. He offers his hand, stepping under the spray of the water. Tony follows with a smile and crowds the younger man against the wall and kissed him deeply. Stephen reacted automatically. His fingers wind their way through Tony's hair and pulls himself closer. Pulling away from his lips, Tony grins at the noise it drew from Stephen's lips.

"I'm not done yet." He promises. He kisses him again and runs one hand down Stephen's long torso, feeling the goosebumps forming under his fingertips. Stephen shudders, gasping softly when Tony's calloused hand wraps around his cock. He pumps once, twice, three times; before pulling away and reaching for the bottle of shampoo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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